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Published April 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

This Project Includes: Professional Selections. Project Title: Lock Haven University - Renovations and Additions to Raub Hall Brief Description: the Scope of Work Includes but is Not Limited to Complete Life Cycle Upgrades to the Infrastructure and Technology Upgrades to Connect Multiple Campuses as Required for Learning That Can't Be Successfully Accomplished in the Building's Current State. The Academic Building Has Seen Little Renovation or Infrastructure Upgrades Since Its Completion in 1963. Over Time, the Academic Departments & Programs Have Outgrown the Existing Space. The Result Lends Itself to Inadequate Classrooms and Offices, No Interactive Spaces for Faculty & Staff, and Disjointed Collaboration. The Project will include complete interior renovations and select exterior modifications to the building to bring it up to current codes, academic standards, and provide flexibility for future technological upgrades. All existing infrastructure will need to be evaluated and, in most cases, replaced with new equipment and distribution systems. The exterior terraced stair/retaining wall is to be removed and the courtyard replaced with a two-story addition to contain the relocated Data Center and TV studio equipment from the adjacent Robinson Learning Center. Estimated Construction Cost: $13,100,000.00. The PROFESSIONAL SELECTIONS MEETING is scheduled for THURSDAY, August 17, 2023, AT 10:00 AM. The Goals for SDB participation: 14% The Goals for VBE participation: 3% Interviews will be conducted with all short-listed firms. The short-listed professionals will be notified as to the date, time, and location of the interviews. It is expected that the team selected to perform the work on the project will be the team presenting during the interview. A Detailed Proposal will be requested from short-listed firms for this project. The following information will need to be provided: detailed resumes for key design and management personnel with references; the firm's approach to the project, including descriptions of tasks and scope of services, and an explanation of how the approach provides value to the Commonwealth; a detailed description from the firm's portfolio of a project that illustrates the firm's ability to translate design intentions into a solution that meets the client's needs and expectations; an organizational chart and detailed work plan, identifying key personnel roles and percent of time assigned to the project; an explanation of how the firm assures high quality bidding documents; examples of relevant projects completed by the lead design professional and key personnel, with contact information for references for these projects; an assessment of key project issues and risks to the project; identification of special investigations, studies or testing that may be required; evidence of financial capability; a list of professional liability claims and/or legal actions within the last ten years and a non-binding fee proposal. *All applicants must be registered to view/download Project Documents and must have a Current, Active Vendor Number* As of April 25, 2024, the project is currently under evaluation stage. An issuance of draft request for proposal to short-listed firms have not been released. A timeline to select a design firm has not been disclosed. A tentative bid schedule for contractor is scheduled for contractors is scheduled for 2025. Construction is slated to begin Spring of 2026. The firm timelines have not been established. *The contact(s) will not accept phone call inquiries at this time.




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work




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401 N Fairview St, Lock Haven, PA

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RFQ Lock Haven University - Renovations and Additions to Raub Hall

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