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Renovation of an educational facility in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Notify email address listed when final publish date assigned. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work contemplated by the Contract Documents includes the Work of all trades required and all labor, equipment, materials and supervision necessary and incidental to the Work indicated. The work of this contract includes selective demolition and renovations of existing construction. The work required by the Contract Documents includes the Work of all trades required and all labor, equipment, materials, and supervision necessary and incidental to the Work indicated. The following descriptions of the Work represent a brief summary of the Project. For additional and more complete information refer to the Project Manual and Drawings. The Drawings indicate and show the limits of construction for this Project. The Drawings and Project Manual are complementary to each other, and both shall be followed to complete the Work. B. The project scope consists of roofing replacement and repairs, and associated work. The intent is to provide a sound roofing system that is leak free and weathertight. At project completion, Contractor shall provide a written guarantee that covers all defects in workmanship and materials for a period of two (2) years from date of acceptance. General Bidders are to be DCAMM certified in Roofing. The Roofing Contractor shall be the General Contractor. The general scope of the construction work is as follows: 1. Replacement of steep-sloped asphalt shingle roofing; total of 29,786+- SF. This work will include the removal of the existing 3-tab asphalt shingles and any underlayment down to the decking, repair to any deteriorated wood decking or steel decking, install a continuous layer of self-adhered waterproofing underlayment, and installation of heavy-duty architectural grade asphalt shingles complete with new metal flashings. 2. Repairs/replacement to deteriorated steel or wood decking (i.e. tongue and groove and plywood). Bid quantities will be established. Add and Deduct prices will be requested on the Bid Form. Work will be monitored during construction, and a net change order will be issued at project completion. 3. Repairs/replacement to deteriorated wood blocking. Bid quantities will be established. Add and Deduct prices will be requested on the Bid Form. Work will be monitored during construction, and a net change order will be issued at project completion. 4. At Roof Area Nos. 1 & 3, the existing attic spaces are presently being used as storage for desk chairs, shelving, and file storage. A structural analysis of the attic framing was not within the scope of this project, and it is not recommended that storage within these areas be increased. We are investigating possible measures to increase the insulation in these areas, while allowing the current storage to stay in place. 5. At Roof Area Nos. 2 & 4, install blown in fiberglass insulation on top of the existing (~R30) fiberglass batt insulation, in order to achieve an R-Value of 49. 6. At Roof Area Nos. 5 & 7, verify that the existing batt insulation (~R44) has not been disturbed, and install blown in fiberglass insulation on top of the existing fiberglass batt insulation, in order to achieve an R-Value of 49. 7. Install louvers on dormers at Roof Area No. 2 (where noted on the drawings) in place of existing windows to increase ventilation. All existing louvers should be verified to ensure that air is free flowing. 8. Cut in and install ridge vents at Roof Area Nos. 2, 4, 5, & 7 along the entire length of the ridge. 9. Remove and replace existing gutters along roof eaves. Gutter width to be increased from 3" to 5" and 6" where noted on the drawings. Downspouts will be reused. Damaged sections of downspouts will be removed and replaced. Install cleanouts at ground level (where lacking) to allow easier cleaning of underground drainage system. The underground drainage system will be water jetted. 10. Remove and replace all step flashing where rake edge(s) intersects walls, dormers, cupola, and at the chimney. 11. The existing wooden fascia at eave and rake edges shall remain and be reused. The existing wood fascia at eaves and rake edges shall be resecured as required. Scrape, prime and paint all areas of wooden fascia and rake edges and remove and replace any areas of deteriorated wood to match existing profile. 12. Scrape, prime and paint the entire cupola. Remove and replace all deteriorated tongue and groove wood siding, trim, and planks as required. The existing tongue and groove wood siding at the base of the cupola will be removed to allow installation of new step flashing and counterflashing. The existing tongue and groove wood siding will be replaced with new (painted to match color of cupola) 13. Remove vinyl siding and trim on all dormers to allow for proper step and counterflashing installation. The existing wood substrate behind where the vinyl siding was removed will be covered with a self-adhered underlayment and a new clapboard siding (color to match vinyl siding) 14. Remove roof hatches (2-total) and infill with new framing and decking (to match the existing thickness) 15. Wire brush, prime, and paint exhaust vents, remove and replace all exhaust vent step and counterflashing. Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. Roofing at six different roof areas and a total of 399+-SF low-sloped EPDM roofing at one roof area.




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32 Watson Ave, Attleboro, MA

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