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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Mount Olive, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Purpose: The Town of Mount Olive is seeking professional design services for a Streetscape Improvements Plan for their historic downtown. Goal: The need for streetscape improvements was recently identified in a proposal to the Department of Commerce, Rural Transformation Grant Application for a Downtown Master Plan for the Town of Mount Olive. Appropriate environmental reviews have been completed as a part of the grant award process. The Master Plan includes strategic vision implementation support and downtown real estate analysis, which will be done by Retail Strategies, LLC, an Alabama consulting company. The purpose of this RFQ is to locate an appropriate company that can design a three-block streetscape plan for the town's downtown commercial area which includes both sides of Center Street. This area is located within the historic section of the town. The CSX railroad runs through the middle of Center Street, so streetscape planning must accommodate railroad covenants. This plan must coordinate with Retail Strategies, LLC in the point position of developing the overall downtown master plan. The proposed work is located on three blocks of Center Street, which represents the commercial district of the town. There are about 30+ operating businesses in this section of town; however, there are numerous vacant buildings which have historical significance. The downtown historic district is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The selected design firm will be responsible for the streetscape master plan and the production of detailed construction plans and specifications for implementation. The selected design firm will need to coordinate with the work being performed by Retail Strategies to plan a downtown development master plan. The Downtown Streetscape Improvement Plan will include, but not be limited to, sidewalk and curbing improvements, street improvement, landscaping (trees and plants that are humidity resistant), irrigation system for landscaping, pedestrian and architectural lighting, striping for parking and street furnishings. The plan should address ADA requirements and other items to make downtown Mount Olive inviting and pedestrian friendly. Documents and Presentations: The selected firm will be responsible for presenting the design development plan, along with drawings, diagrams and sketches, and a timeline for their completion and construction drawings. These items should be coordinated with Retail Strategies, LLC, so that the master plan coordinates aesthetically with the development of downtown development as well as commercially. Multiple sets of documents, drawings and other items for viewing will be required. The Applicant's proposal should also include the cost of surveying fees and engineer construction estimates. Budget: The budget for this project is $85,000 and is funded through a grant from the Rural Transformation Grant Fund administered by the NC Department of Commerce. Timeline: The timeline for this project is expected to begin in July 2023 and must be completed by June 30, 2024. The selected firm will need to coordinate activities and share data with Retail Strategies, the firm which has been selected to work on the overall Downtown Improvement Plan. Proposal Content: The proposal submitted must clearly address the requirements outlined in the RFQ. Any concerns that the proposing firm may have about meeting these requirements shall be specifically identified in the proposal. The proposing firm must ensure that all proposed work meets all applicable state and federal requirements. Consultants interested in the project are invited to submit copies of the proposal that address the criteria listed above and includes the following: 1. Applicant firm information: A profile of the firm or firms submitting the proposal, including all contact information. 2. Personnel information: Names of principals, key persons, or associates who would be involved in the project and their qualifications, including resumes. 3. Project resume: A list of all similar projects completed by the person/firm in the last five years. Projects listed in the National Register of Historic Places shall be noted. The list should include: a. Contact person information (address, phone number, and email address). b. A description of how the project is similar in scope and size to this project. c. Before construction and after construction photographs (no more than six total per project). 4. Consultant information: A list of all consultants, including a lighting professional, who will be a part of the design team. That list should include each consultant's qualifications, contact information, and a list of all similar projects where the consultant has provided similar services. The latter should also include contact information for each project. 5. Scope of Services: Provide an outline of the understanding of each task of the project. Summarize the basic approach to providing the services, and any recommendations on improving efficiencies in the process. Provide the names of the staff who will be assigned to complete each task. If the proposal includes contract administration, please give details. 6. Project schedule: A timeline for completion of each task. 7. A summary of fees: Provide the costs associated with the completion of each task outlined in the scope of work, including estimated expenses. Include any additional costs associated with providing engineering services for the project. 8. Contract: A copy of the firm's standard contract. 9. Proprietary information: Any restrictions on the use of the data contained within the proposal must be clearly stated in the proposal itself. Submission of RFQ: All RFQ responses must be received at on or before Friday, June 30, 2023. For additional information or questions, please contact Barbara Kornegay at 919-738-0962 or Sherry Davis at 919-658-9539. Submissions should be directed to Barbara Kornegay, Commissioner, 114 East James Street, Mount Olive NC 28365. Acceptance Time: The Town of Mount Olive intends to make a selection by August 10, 2023. Payment for Services: The Vendor agrees to bill the Town of Mount Olive as each task is completed and approved and allows 30 days for payment to be received.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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July 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, Mount Olive, NC

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