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Published August 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Portland, Oregon. Working plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

As of August 27, 2024, this project's permit has been issued by the City of Portland. A general contractor has been identified. Construction is anticipated to begin in August 2024 and end in June 2025. Original solicitation included below for informational purposes. CASE FILE NUMBER: LU 24-008508 DZ - PETER PAULSON APARTMENTS, WINDOW AND SIDING REPLACEMENT Applicant: Kevin Saxton, Kasa Architects 4119 NE Cesar E Chavez Blvd, Portland, OR 97211 Ksaxton@Kasapdx.Com, 503-284-6917 Representative: Rocco Debrodt, Home Forward 135 SW Ash St 5th Floor, Portland OR 97204 Rocco.Debrodt@Homeforward.Org, 503-412-8624 Owner: Housing Authority of Portland 135 SW Ash St #500, Portland, OR 97204 Site Address: 1530 SW 13TH AVE Legal Description: BLOCK S 1/2 C W 60' OF LOT 5 S 17' OF W 60' OF LOT 6, PORTLAND Tax Account No.: R667735710 State ID No.: 1S1E04AC 00700 Quarter Section: 3128 Neighborhood: Portland Downtown, contact Marian DeBardelaben at debardelabenmarian@gmail.com Business District: None District Coalition: Neighbors West/Northwest, contact Darlene Urban Garrett at darlene@nwnw.org Plan District: Central City - West End Other Designations: None Zoning: RXd, Central Residential (RX) with design (d) overlay Case Type: DZ, Design Review Procedure: Type II, an administrative decision with appeal to the Design Commission. Proposal: The applicant seeks Design Review approval for the following exterior alterations to the Peter Paulson Apartments, an existing affordable housing development located in the Central City Plan District: o Replacement of the existing aluminum windows and doors above ground level with new commercial-grade vinyl windows and doors. o Proposal also includes an option to replace existing EFIS siding with painted fiber cement panels at the inset bays, the top story, and the courtyard. The following work is also included in the project scope, which may be considered exempt from review: o Replace exterior joint sealants, waterproof membranes at decks, Painting doors and balcony rails (33.420.045.B.1); o Replace existing PTACs and exhaust fans (33.420.045.B.9.c). Design Review is required for non-exempt exterior alterations within a Design Overlay zone in Central City Plan District per Section 33.420.041.B of Title 33, the Portland Zoning Code. _________________________________________________________________________________ HOME FORWARDDESIGN-BUILD SERVICES Proposals Due 2:00 pm, July 13, 2023 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. 06/23 - 468Proposals are requested from qualified Design-Build Teams for the provision of services related to the design and construction of renovation and repair work for Peter Paulson Apartments and Gretchen Kafoury Commons. Home Forward plans to undertake renovation and repair work at the Peter Paulson Apartments and the Gretchen Kafoury Commons. Both are located in the southwest portion of downtown Portland, Oregon. The Peter Paulson Apartments is a single-building, five-story (plus basement) affordable housing property that currently contains 92 single-room occupancy units. The scope of renovation and repair work for the building will be finalized during the programming ("pre-construction") phase and will be performed by the selected Design-Build Team. The design and construction budget for this property is $2,900,000. Upon completion, Home Forward expects the Peter Paulson Apartments to have 92 single-room occupancy units and 1-1 bdr. apt. The Gretchen Kafoury Commons is a single-building, nine-story affordable housing property that currently contains 129 studio, one and two bedroom apartments. The scope of renovation and repair work for the building will be finalized during the programming ("pre-construction") phase and will be performed by the selected Design-Build Team. The design and construction budget for this property is $4,500,000. Upon completion, Home Forward expects the Gretchen Kafoury Commons to have 129 units. Preconstruction is expected to last from September 2023 to March 2024. Construction is expected to begin June 2024 and substantial completion is expected by July 2025. The total budget for both properties is $7,400,000. Home Forward has an established goal of 28% participation by COBID and/or Underutilized Business Enterprise (UBE) firms. Prime contractors who do not meet the 28% goal will be required to submit proof that good faith efforts have been made to contract with these subcontractors. Home Forward also expects participation in diversity tracking using b2g. This project is subject to State of Oregon BOLI Prevailing Wage Law. The wage determination applicable for the duration of this project will be determined prior to the construction phase. Addenda will be posted on the same site. RFP Contact: Dzana Malagon Procurement Coordinator Home Forward dzana.malagon@homeforward.org *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.




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