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Published July 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The bid will be awarded to the lowest/best bidder(s) as determined by the county 5% Bid Bond, Business Relationship Affidavit & Non-collusion certification must be included in sealed bids as required per The Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 61 O.S. 103-138 & 74 O.S. 85.22 Unit prices will be guaranteed correct by the bidder. County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive informalities or minor irregularities in any bid. Successful bidders must verify workers compensation coverage & general liability of company & outsource. Oklahoma laws require each bidder submitting a bid to a county for goods or services to furnish a notarized sworn statement of non-collusion & business relationship affidavit as well as an affidavit for contracts & payments that total $25,000 and above The County reserves the right to terminate the contract with a 30 day written notice of termination for convenience. The County reserves the right to terminate the contract without notice due to non-performance to any & all portions of the bid award. Scope of Work 1. Furnish and Install a pier footing to match existing to accept new column on grid line 4 and grid line B. 2. Furnish and Install approximately 1,000 square feet of 5 inch concrete with #4 rebar mat at 18" OC 3. Furnish and Install new column at grid line 4 and B to match the existing end wall columns on grid line B. 4.Furnish and Install welded clips on existing columns to match the existing clip locations for the Girt layout. 5. Furnish and Install New girts per existing girt to column details. 6. Furnish and Install framed opening for a 14X14 overhead door. 7. Furnish and Install Trim and Wall sheets to match existing color, profile and details per the existing plans and details. 8. Furnish and Install 8' Polar white R Panel linear panel on the inside of the bay. 9. Furnish and Install a 14 wide and 14 High overhead sectional door with operator. 10. Labor and Material to Install Two high bay LED lights in each bay of the building to match the existing equipment shed. 11. Labor and Material to Install Two plugs in every open bay to match the existing equipment shed 12. Labor and Material to Install Four plugs in the enclosed bay on the linear panel. 13. Labor and Material to Install Two power boxes at both ends of the south side of the building.

Final Planning



Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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July 17, 2023

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To Be Determined, Sapulpa, OK

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Equipment Shed Bay Enclosure

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