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Published July 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a retail development in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a retail development.

Project Category Code: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Description: Work consists of replacement of the existing ventilation system. Additional Description: No bid will be opened unless the "Bidders Proof of Responsibility" for 2023 is filed in the office of the City Clerk not later than Friday July 7, 2023. Forms are included in specifications, and are also available at the office of the City Clerk. The document is available on the City website as noted below and is included within the bid documents. Site Directions: 2625 E Glendale Ave 54911 the Project consists of the following Work: 1. Base Bid - replacement of ventilation equipment and associated work. E. Project Schedule: 1. Contractor shall submit a project schedule with a site plan showing proposed phasing, dates, and times for all work a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the initial start of Work. o Schedule must be approved by the Owner's Operations Department and the Consultant. 2. Contractor agrees that Work shall be conducted regularly, diligently, and uninterruptedly at such a rate of progress as will ensure completion by the date specified. 3. It is expressively understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the timeframe for completion of this Work, as described herein, is a reasonable time for climatic range and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. F. Time Restrictions: 1. Work must be performed during hours dictated by local ordinances unless otherwise approved 2. Work may be performed Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., which shall be considered regular work hours. o The Contractor may be allowed to work beyond these regular work hours by submitting a proposed schedule, for the following week, and coordinating that daily work schedule with the Owner's representative. G. Construction Constraints: 1. Power shall not be interrupted for more than 4 hours while the circuit breaker in the main switchboard is installed. 2. Power shall not be interrupted at any panelboard or MCC for more than 2 hours. 3. Equipment circuitry shall be interrupted such that no more than one circuit is de-energized at a time. 4. Natural gas shall not be interrupted for more than 2 hours to tie into mains during cold weather (temperatures below 40F). 5. Maximum downtime of heating system shall not exceed 8 hours which must occur when the outside air temperature is anticipated to remain above 60F. Contractor to coordinate with Owner. 6. Either the new or existing supply or exhaust system must be functional at all times or temporary ventilation shall be provided. The existing Make-up Air unit could be utilized in conjunction with the existing relief hoods until the existing Rooftop units are removed and the new units are fully installed. H. Utility Requirements: 1. Contractor shall be responsible for locating and protecting all public and private utilities during the duration of the construction process and shall perform any "potholing" necessary to determine existing utility depths relevant to construction activities.

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July 12, 2023

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2625 E Glendale Ave, Appleton, WI

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