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Published July 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a parking garage in Osseo, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the addition of a parking garage; for the demolition of a parking garage; for site work for a parking garage; and for the renovation of a parking garage.

The Town of Foster is requesting sealed bids for the construction of a building addition. Bids should be for a cold storage garage to add onto the north end (gable end) of the existing town garage. The addition will be 30 ft. wide by 50 ft long with 14 ft. side walls and will need to match existing roof. The addition will have a cement Floor. The bid shall include all labor and materials and cement. The Town of Foster will do the electrical work after construction. The building site will be prepared by the Town of Foster. The building is to be completed by November 1, 2023. Engineering plans are available. (They are awaiting State approval) For further information contact Scott Ellison (town chair) at 715-267-6823 The Town of Foster reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to accept any bids it deems most advantageous to the Town of Foster A full size copy of the approved plans, specifications and this letter shall be on-site during construction and open to inspection by authorized representatives of the Department, which may include local inspectors. If plan index sheets were submitted in lieu of additional full plan sets, a copy of this approval letter and index sheet shall be attached to plans that correspond with the copy on file with the Department. If these plans were submitted in an electronic form, the designer is responsible to download, print, and bind the full size set of plans along with our approval letter. A Department electronic stamp and signature shall be on the plans which are used at the job site for construction. Submit, prior to installation, one set of properly signed and sealed truss plans, calculations substantiating the design, and associated pertinent information including this transaction number or CB number as a previous transaction. A truss plan submittal may be made on the DSPS website. Note as per SPS 302.31(1)(d)4. the fee for a structural component submitted after project completion shall be an additional $250. The Town of Foster is requesting sealed bids for the construe- | tien of a building addition. Bids should be for a cold storage ga~ rage to add onto the north end (gable end) of the existing town | garage. The addition will be 30 ft. wide by SO ft long with 14 ft. | side walls and will need to match existing roof. The addition will | have a cement to. The bid shall include all labor and materials and cement The Town of Foster will do the electrical work after | construction. The building site will be prepared by the Town of | Foster. The building is to be completed by Nev. 1. 2023. Application No.: DIS-062326229 Site ID No.: SIT-117042


Parking Garage


Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work




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To Be Determined, Osseo, WI

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