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Published December 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for paving for a playground / park / athletic field.

Improvements to the neighborhood park, including, removal and demolition of the existing baseball field, accessible parking, new asphalt path, mill and pave existing basketball court, and additional site improvements. Attach bid , cashier's check or certified check in the amount of 10% of the bid, but not in excess of $20,000.00. A licensee shall not be entitled to qualify more than one person for a business permit. Liquidated damages In case the Contractor fails to complete the work contracted for, satisfactory to and acceptable to the Owner within the stipulated time limit, or violates any terms or conditions of said contract or the terms and conditions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. (Local Public Contracts Law), then the Contractor shall pay to the Owner for each and every calendar day determined to be in default, the following sums, which are agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto to be liquidated damages. Liquidated damages shall not be assessed beyond substantial completion. Contract Time: Sixty (60) days to completion Calendar Days One (1) to Fifteen (15) Days beyond Contract Time Limits.........Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars per calendar day. Sixteen (16) to Thirty (30) Days beyond Contract Time Limits.....One Thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per calendar day Greater than Thirty (30) Days beyond Contract Time Limits ........Two Thousand ($2,000.00) dollars per calendar day The Owner shall recover said damages by deducting the amount thereof out of any money which may be due or become due the Contractor, or by an action of law against the Contractor, his surety or by either or both of these methods. In case the Contractor shall be delayed due to the failure on the part of the Owner to furnish anything on its part to be furnished or for any other cause beyond the control of the Contractor, he shall be entitled to such an extension of time for the delivery of equipment, materials, work and supplies as in the judgment of the Owner or Owner's representative to be fair and just'.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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To Be Determined, Cherry Hill, NJ

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