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Renovation of a military facility in Ishpeming, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment to tear off the existing roofing materials, including their proper disposal, and installing a new asphalt shingle system, including underlayment, venting, drip edges, and related items. Question Deadline 07/06/2023 at 2:00 PM ET ALL questions should be emailed to Jason Peterson, DNR Facility Manager at Work Description - The Work, DNR Ishpeming Field Office Asphalt Shingle Roof Replacement, Agency No. DNR FOD-001- 2023, Funding Code, DTMB File No. 751/23192.AGY includes, but is not necessarily limited to: Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment to tear off the existing asphalt shingles, including their proper disposable, and install hey new asphalt shingle system including underlayment, venting, drip edge, and related items as specified herein at the department of natural resources Ishpeming field office, 1985 US Hwy. 41 West, Ishpeming, MI 49849, Marquette County, Michigan. Contractor is responsible for all necessary permits Contact Person - All requests or inquiries concerning the Bidding Documents, or the Work must be addressed to: Patrick Avendt, DNR Buyer, at tx: 517-388-6265 or Questions will be accepted until 96 hours or four calendar days before bid due date and time. This results in the question due date and time being the Friday before bids are due at 2:00 PM EDT. INTERPRETATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO THE BID AND BIDDING DOCUMENTS: All requests for clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents, all proposals for any modifications to the Bidding Documents, all requests for information and all other questions or inquiries about the Bidding Documents and/or the Work shall be submitted in writing to the Contact Person identified in the Bid Documents. Requests or inquiries received less than seven Calendar Days before the date of Bid opening will be answered only if (a) the response can be given through an Addendum made available at least seventy-two hours before Bid opening (counting Business Days only), (b) the Bid opening is postponed by Addendum, or (c) the Work is rebid without readvertising following the issuance of post-Bid Addenda. Bidders must not rely upon any oral statements or conversations regarding interpretations, clarifications, corrections, additions, deletions or other revisions or information to the Bidding Documents. Any addition, limitation or provision made with or attached to the Bid may render it non-responsive and/or irregular and be a cause for rejection. The Owner reserves the right to issue a post-Bid Addendum after opening the Bids and set a new date for the receipt and opening of sealed Bids. The Bidder acknowledges that any quantities of Unit Price Work given in this ITB are approximate only and payments will be made only for actual quantities of Unit Price Work completed in accordance with the Contract Documents.




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1985 US Hwy 41, Ishpeming, MI

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