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Published August 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The contractor shall coordinate, supply and install all labor and materials including miscellaneous components to perform a complete and working system as intended. The contractor shall establish construction laydown areas and pedestrian protection. Contractor shall coordinate areas with TBDSSAB representative. Replacement of all sprinkler heads on all floors of both addresses specified. o Provide metal protection basket for all sprinklers in parking garage area o Provide access beside sprinklers in parking garage if needed. Patch and make good with exand 122 Cumberland Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario. terior rated gypsum board. o New sprinklers to be "Reliable - Model G" Provide a full system flush of all sprinklers and fire hose cabinets prior to install of new. Sprinkler design criteria is ordinary hazard. Pipe sizing and head spacing as per NFPA13. Sprinkler system design engineer is responsible for hydraulic calculations, sizing and routing of new piping, sprinkler contractor shall adjust piping and sprinkler head, hangers, supports etc. to suit. Touch up any paint on surfaces to match existing colours. TBDSSAB representative will supply this colour once the contractor is awarded. Remove pedestrian protection when work is complete. All work must be completed by qualified and certified plumbers, electricians, and construction specialists. Any service shutdowns or interruptions will be coordinated with TBDSSAB representative. No work shall commence before a project schedule and site kick off have been completed and the methodology has been agreed to by all parties. Contractor shall obtain all required Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) and building permits and associated fees (including all inspections). All electrical work, including a licensed electrician, electrical drawings, electrical permits, and testing required to completed as specified on the drawings. All new equipment shall be Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Underwriters Laboratory of Canada Inc (ULC) certified. Contractor to reference associated drawings and general notes. Contractor to coordinate locations of all utilities, all permits and include associated costs in the tender bid submission. Contractor is responsible for the repair to any damage that occurs on site during the scope of work at their expense. (Existing walls, flooring, ceiling tile etc.). Clean up all debris, wiring, connectors, and any other materials to leave site in "clean" condition The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) invites Bid Submissions (Bids) from qualified contractors for the provision of all labour, and the materials for the replacement of the sprinkler piping in specified locations located at 120 and 122 Cumberland Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario. A Digital Bid Bond, in the amount of ten (10) percent of the total tendered price, issued by a bonding agency licensed to operate in the Province of Ontario must be included with the bid. Bid bonds must be irrevocable and open for bid acceptance for at least sixty (60) days from the date of bid opening. Submission Type: Online Submissions Only TBDSSAB reserves the right to perform such investigations as may be deemed necessary to ensure that competent personnel and management and suitable equipment/material will be used in the performance of this project. TBDSSAB reserves the right to request from the Bidder separate manufacturers certification of all statements made in Bid document. If the contractor is unable to provide goods or services within the required time frame, TBDSSAB reserves the right to terminate the contract for default and reserves the right to subsequently contract with other sources for identical or similar goods or services. Question Deadline: Wed Jul 5, 2023 12:00:00 PM Award value is undisclosed


Water / Sewer


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Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Thunder Bay, ON

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