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Published September 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a detention facility in Waupun, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the remodel of a detention facility.

The Division of Facilities Development, hereinafter termed DFD, hereby announces that it is advertising for bids from certified 10 contractors for the above project. All potential bidders must become certified by DOA prior to submitting bids on state construction projects 13 with budgets over $50,000. All bids received from contractors who are not certified will be rejected. These changes 14 take effect January 1, 2014. Contractor certification applications and instructions for completing the form may be 15 obtained from the DOA Website. DFD Contractor Certification page. The bidder is responsible for the sealed bid being delivered to the indicated location or email before the time 29 specified for the bid submission. Third party delivery is entirely at the bidder's risk. In general, the work consists of: remodeling a large room of approximately 864 square feet into (6) offices with 37 metal studs, gypsum wall board, sound insulation, hollow metal doors and frames, carpeting, acoustical tile ceiling 38 with new lighting and HVAC, new electrical and data outlets. After opening the web page, select Current 45 Construction Project Bidding Opportunities at the bottom of the screen. Bidder shall identify the division of work 46 they are bidding on when requesting Bidding Documents online. No deposit is required to obtain documents for 47 bidding purposes. 48 49 Contract offer and construction phase records will be processed electronically on the WisBuild(TM) DFD Information 50 System. 51 52 The 2017-2019 Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin Act 59) repealed Wisconsin's prevailing wage laws. 53 Effective September 23, 2017, state prevailing wage requirements on state building projects no longer apply. 54 These changes take effect for projects advertised for bid after September 23, 2017. This change does not 55 affect the Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements. Bidders/pre-bid tour participants must contact Buildings and Grounds Superintendent Randall Frye, (920) 324-6272, 7 Randall.Frye@wisconsin.gov on or before July 17, 2023, to confirm attendance and obtain necessary security 8 clearance. Each individual who will attend the tour must provide Buildings and Grounds Superintendent Randall Frye a completed DOC-2430 form by 12:00 p.m. on July 17, 2023. 12 13 Bidding Documents will be available online immediately upon the project being advertised for bid.


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial






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August 2, 2023

September 1, 2023


1 W Lincoln St, Waupun, WI

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