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Saving Project...

Published September 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Brookings, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of September 13, 2023, project was awarded to Tidewater but awarded amount is not available. Work performed under this section covers all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, traffic control plans, and incidentals necessary to maintain and control all vehicular and pedestrian traffic through the construction site. All work shall be done in accordance with the current edition of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Contractor shall submit a Traffic Control plan, identifying controls to be implemented for each phase of construction, for approval by the City's Representative. Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations, including, but not limited to: insurance, bonds, required permits and fees, shop drawings, submittals, the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site (mobilization), as-built plans, coordination with other contractors, meetings, moving off the project, and clean up. Mobilization shall include the establishment of any temporary facilities and the submittal of a detailed construction schedule. Any other costs of work in advance of construction operations and not directly attributable to any specific bid item shall be included in mobilization. 1. The project consists of excavation, pavement preparation, cold plane removal, (including taper grinding) asphalt concrete patch repair and hot mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) pavement overlay application. Other work to include the installation of stormwater inlet(s) and piping. 2. The project locations include: a. Marine Drive (A) - Old County to end of Marine Drive. b. Marine Drive (B). c. Mill Beach Road - Chetco Avenue to Fred Meyer Entrance. d. Cottage Street - Pacific Avenue to Mill Street e. Memory Lane - Cove Road to Alder Street f. Alder Street (A) - Railroad Avenue to Memory Lane g. Alder Street (B) - Spruce Street to Railroad Avenue h. Azalea Park - Kidtown Parking Lot i. Street Patching & Utility Cut Repairs 3. Work includes traffic control, materials and workmanship to complete the project in accordance with the language contained herein. 4. All work shall comply with the City of Brookings "Engineering Requirements and Standard Specifications for Public Works Infrastructure" adopted April 2017. Addenda, if any, will be issued to bidders registered with the City, all others are responsible for obtaining copies of all Addenda. Only those considered to be Responsible Bidders, as specified below, will be qualified to perform Work on this Project. Within two working hours after the date and time of the deadline when bids are due to a contracting agency for a public improvement contract, a bidder shall submit to the contracting agency a disclosure of the first-tier subcontractors in accordance with ORS 279C.370. The disclosure of first-tier subcontractors under subsection (1) of this section must include the name of each subcontractor, the category of work that each sub-contractor will perform and the dollar value of each subcontract. The information shall be disclosed in the form attached in these bid specifications. In accordance with ORS 279C.505(2) , Contractor will be required to certify that they have and will maintain a Drug Testing Program for their employees. There will not be a Pre Bid Conference held for this Project.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 18, 2023


Multiple Locations, Brookings, OR

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