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Published August 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Work called for in these Bid Documents includes the removal of the indoor scoreboards at Burke, Westview and Northwest High Schools and the addition of new video scoreboards at Burke, Westview and Northwest High Schools. Work also includes all power, data and audio-visual components necessary to power and provide video content to the new displays. Bids are to be completed on the bid form contained in the Bid Documents. A copy of the bid with original signatures by the bidder, including all required information, attachments and exhibits, and including a bid bond prepared and submitted as required in Section 1.2, are to be submitted to the District in accordance with the requirements of the Bid Documents. Questions regarding the Bid Documents, including the Engineers Plans and Specifications, and the bid procedures and requirements must be submitted by email on or before 4:30 P.M. CST on Friday, July 14, 2023. SPECIFICATIONS & SCOPE OF WORK The work called for under the Contract Documentsshall include all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to provide a completed project as outlined in the Contract Documents. As a part of that work, Contractor must remove from the supporting structure and properly dispose of the existing video scoreboard display. The supporting structure shall not be removed or damaged and will be preserved by Contractor and used by Contractor to install and support the new LED video scoreboard display. Contractor shall also remove debris daily from the Project site and shall repair of any damage due to work under this Contract, all of which is considered within the scope of work and the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall be able to perform all of the services required to complete the Work that is required by the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible to protect existing construction and improvements. In general, all materials and equipment to be furnished by Contractor must be of good quality, new and unused, shall be constructed and installed as required in the Contract Documents and shall be of the types of equipment and materials as specified in the Contract Documents. All work must be done in accordance with best trade practices using qualified workmen. All work shall be performed in a manner that does not void any manufacturer's warranty. All engineering work and plan preparations for shop drawings and other Contractor submittals shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, who shall utilize qualified and licensed engineers for such work.




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12200 Burke Blvd, Omaha, NE

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