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The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region has a requirement for Architectural and Engineering services--specifically Boundary Survey work. These surveys will be performed on Forest Service (FS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) lands throughout Oregon, Washington, and portions of western Idaho and northern California. The intent of the Forest Service is to issue Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) task order type contracts, with multiple awards (up to 20) being made. The intent of each contract will be to obtain land surveying services as identified in each individual task order. Contractors will be required to furnish all labor, materials (except those items identified as being Government-furnished), transportation, equipment, tools, operating supplies, and incidentals to complete the work as specified. All work shall be performed by, or under the direct supervision of a person licensed to practice surveying in the state(s) where the project is located. Project locations are on or near National Forests throughout Region Six, which includes areas in Oregon, Washington, and portions of western Idaho and northern California and includes the BLM, NPS, FWS, and USDA lands located in these same areas. The Forest Service intends to award to a mix of firms located throughout Oregon and Washington assuring a high level of expertise regarding the geographic locations of the project sites. An IDIQ contract will be negotiated and awarded to those firms ranked as the most highly qualified. The period of performance for the contracts will be five years from the date of award. Task orders will be competed among the firms receiving award of a contract utilizing the procedures outlined in FAR Part 36.6 and the Brooks Act. The Government anticipates awarding up to 20 contracts as a result of this advertisement, but may make fewer awards in order to assure the most advantageous arrangement of firms to meet the Government's needs. The total amount of all task orders, when combined, will be less than $25,000,000.00 over the five year period and the minimum guarantee for each award is $1,000.00. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The SF 330 Part I shall be limited to 60, 8.5x11 pages with a minimum font size of 10, black/white only. Submit the following: SF 330 for the prime offeror (which also includes a completed Part II for the firm and key sub-consultants) addressing subsequent selection criteria information; see email address to send documents and Coversheet (attached). SF330, Part I, Section B: Architect-Engineer Point of Contact, Block 5, Name of Firm: beside the name provide the firm's Unique Entity ID (UEI) number. SF 330, Section E: CRITERIA 1 - PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Firms shall list all licenses, certifications, and relevant continuing education held by key personnel proposed for this contract. Section E shall be completed for each Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) and Survey Party Chief proposed for the contract. Key Personnel are defined as follows. Professional Land Surveyor (PLS): An individual licensed by the state of Washington and/or Oregon to practice land surveying. Work performed under this contract by selected firms shall be performed under the direct supervision of a Professional Land Surveyor employed by said firms. May also be known as Registered Land Surveyor, Licensed Land Surveyor, Land Surveyor in Responsible Charge, Project Land Surveyor, Land Surveyor. Survey Party Chief: An individual possessing in-depth knowledge and experience of land surveying field work, primarily boundary surveying, who leads a land surveying crew in field operations. Performs work under the direct supervision of the PLS and serves as a representative of the PLS when the PLS is not present in the field leading the crew. May also be known as a Party Chief, Survey Crew Lead, Supervisory Survey Technician, Crew Chief. SF330, Section F: CRITERIA 2 - SPECIALIZED TEAM EXPERIENCE: Provide specialized knowledge, specific experience, and technical competence of the proposed key personnel with the types of land surveys expected to be performed under this contract, primarily boundary / cadastral surveys of rural lands. Primary areas of importance include corner search, dependent resurveys of the PLSS, legal description review, and riparian boundaries. Secondary areas of importance include land partitions, topographic surveys, mapping products, and right of way surveys. Submission Requirements: For each firm, provide three (3) to five (5) specific completed projects that best illustrate overall team experience. SF330, Section F: Provide a brief narrative of performance for each respective project. Discuss application of expertise in the primary and secondary areas of importance described above. Include budget/estimated cost, award amount, final costs, change order rate and adherence to performance schedules. SF330, Section G: Key Personnel Participation in Example Projects: Submit in accordance with the SF 330 Instructions. From the projects identified in Section F. SF330, Section H: Additional Information requested by Agency: Address the remaining Criteria 3 through 5; additional sheets may be used, if required. Clearly identify the Criteria number and title. CRITERIA 3 - CAPACITY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK IN THE REQUIRED TIME. Address the firm's capacity to accomplish work in required time frames as demonstrated in terms of availability of key personnel, adequate support staff, and the array of surveying field equipment, software, and hardware. The firm's quantity of work currently under contract and the completion dates of said contracts shall also be evaluated and considered. Example projects shall demonstrate firm's project size capacity and project management capabilities. Firms should include in their submissions documentation that demonstrates their capacity, including but not limited to: the quantity of work currently under contract and the completion dates of said contracts, staffing data / organization charts, software / hardware lists, etc.. Submission Requirement: The organization chart required by SF330, Section D, shall demonstrate the overall relationship and lines of authority of the proposed team for both the prime contractor and any sub-contractors. (Note: Not all individuals listed on the organization chart are required to have a resume in Section E, such as administrative or lower level surveying positions. Only PLSs and Survey Party Chiefs are required to have a resume in Section E.) In SF 330, Section F demonstrate project management capabilities by listing budget/estimated cost, award amount, final costs, change order rate and adherence to performance schedules for each example project. In SF 330, Section H firms shall describe their capacity to accomplish work in required time frames. Demonstrate the firm's availability based upon current staffing (both key personnel and field and office support personnel) and present / projected workload for the specified contract performance period. Provide a list of the specific type and amount of applicable field and office equipment available for this contract. CRITERIA 4 - PAST PERFORMANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PRIVATE INDUSTRY WITH RESPECT TO COST CONTROL, QUALITY OF WORK, AND COMPLIANCE WITH PERFORMANCE SCHEDULES. Past performance in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules, as determined by the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) and other sources. Firm submissions used for evaluation shall include samples of finished products, information on the firm's QC program and processes for checking and verifying errors and may also include any previous awards or commendations. Information included on Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQ) demonstrating a firm's past performance on projects for non-federal clients shall also be used. Points of contact provided in other criteria may be contacted. A proposal with no record of relevant past performance information shall be evaluated neither favorably nor unfavorably. Submission Requirements: SF 330, Section F shall include any applicable favorable awards and commendations for example projects. Submit samples of the finished products for these projects. Firms shall reference agency/company issuing evaluation/award/commendation and respective date. For each Section F example project that was a federal contract firms shall state the evaluation type and rating. For each example project that was not a federal contract, firms shall provide the PPQ form to the client requesting they compete it and return the completed PPQ directly to the Contracting Officer. To be accepted PPQ forms must be received by the contracting officer by the end date of the solicitation. If the client is un-willing or un-able to complete the PPQ for a given example project, please indicate this to be the case. PPQ forms received by the contracting officer from the firm and not the firm's client will not be accepted. For each Section F example project firms shall note the original contract price, any modifications that increased cost, and the reason for modification. They shall also note the original contract time and actual completion date (circumstances for contract extensions may be addressed). Other performance evaluation results and awards not related to those listed in Section F may be listed separately in Section H. In SF 330, Section H firms shall describe the prime's QC program; who is primarily responsible for the QC program, how the prime firm ensures quality consistently across the entire team, and success in implementing the program. Please address the following components of past performance for each project provided as experience under Criteria 2, CRITERIA 5 - LOCATION: Location in the general geographical area and knowledge of the locality of the contract areas. Firms must demonstrate their familiarity with each of the contract areas selected. Knowledge of the locality includes familiarity performing land surveys in the rugged, remote, mountainous terrain typical of the locations of task orders expected to be awarded. It also includes demonstrated knowledge of the survey history (local and government), local survey records access, and where they are maintained (recorded and non-recorded), typical within the selected contract areas. For the purpose of the project work described in this document coverage is broken down by county into eight contract areas. See the attached map. Area 1: Chelan (WA), Clallam (WA), Gray's Harbor (WA), Island (WA), Jefferson (WA), King (WA), Kitsap (WA), Kittitas (WA), Mason (WA), Pierce (WA), San Juan (WA), Skagit (WA), Snohomish (WA), Thurston (WA), Whatcom (WA) Area 2: Adams (WA), Douglas (WA), Ferry (WA), Grant (WA), Lincoln (WA), Okanogan (WA), Pend Oreille (WA), Spokane (WA), Stevens (WA), Whitman (WA) Area 3: Asotin (WA), Benton (WA), Columbia (WA), Franklin (WA), Garfield (WA), Walla Walla (WA), Baker (OR), Grant (OR), Harney (OR), Malheur (OR), Morrow (OR), Union (OR), Wallowa (OR), Adams (ID), Idaho (ID) Area 4: Clark (WA), Cowlitz (WA), Klickitat (WA), Lewis (WA), Pacific (WA), Skamania (WA), Wahkiakum (WA), Yakima (WA), Clackamas (OR), Clatsop (OR), Columbia (OR), Gillman (OR), Hood River (OR), Marion (OR), Multnomah (OR), Sherman (OR), Wasco (OR), Washington (OR) Area 5: Benton (OR), Lane (OR), Lincoln (OR), Linn (OR), Polk (OR), Tillamook (OR), Yamhill (OR) Area 6: Crook (OR), Deschutes (OR), Jefferson (OR), Wheeler (OR) Area 7: Klamath (OR), Lake (OR) Area 8: Coos (OR), Curry (OR), Douglas (OR), Jackson (OR), Josephine (OR), Del Norte (CA), Siskiyou (CA) Submission Requirements: In SF 330, Section H firms shall demonstrate and illustrate the team's knowledge of the locality of the contract areas selected (as described above in no. 5) and experience working in the contract areas selected on projects not included in Section F. On their cover sheet and in Section H firms must indicate in which of the contract areas they are qualified and interested in performing work. Firms must indicate in which of the geographic areas listed above they are qualified and interested in performing work on the Coversheet (attached in post). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: All information must be included in the SF 330 package, (Coversheet, cover letter, attachments and excess number of pages will be excluded from the evaluation process). Note: prospective awardees MUST be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) to be awarded a Federal Government Contract. If you are not registered, please register at the following site: The firms that are evaluated by the Technical Evaluation Board (TEB) as the most qualified will receive the RFP package with the terms and conditions applicable to all task orders issued under this master contract. Those firms that meet the requirements in this announcement and wish to be considered must address their packages per above listed Submission Requirements, to: and Submissions will be made no later July 24, 2023, by 1400 PST (2:00 p.m.). Submittals received after this date and time will not be considered. Firms not providing the required information may be negatively evaluated. Facsimile submittals will not be accepted. Email your response to: and Subject Line Email: 1240BH23R0010 A/E Boundary Surveying Services E-mail address for inquiries: and

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To Be Determined, Vancouver, WA

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