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Site work and new construction of a transportation facility in Atlanta, Georgia. Completed plans call for the construction of a transportation facility; and for site work for a transportation facility.

As of September 25, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established. Reference Number 0000323993 Proposals from individuals or businesses interested in a ground lease agreement between Proposer and Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, and a hangar development proposal to construct and operate a private aircraft hangar facility at the Fulton County Executive Airport at Brown Field (Airport). Fulton County Executive Airport is offering a parcel of land to be leased and developed in accordance with the proposed Airport Lease Draft Agreement (Lease) attached in Exhibit A. Proposals received by Fulton County Government in response to this RFP that comply with the submittal requirements outlined in Section 4.0, including all forms and certifications, will be evaluated per the criteria and procedures described in Section 5.0. Based on the evaluation results, the County will award the Ground Lease and Hangar Development for Private Aircraft Hangar at Fulton County Executive Airport to the most advantageous Proposer based on the evaluation factors outlined in the RFP Job Location Fulton County Executive Airport Question Acceptance Deadline 07/13/2023 12:00 PM EDT Questions are submitted online Yes Information regarding the proposal or proposal requirements, either procedural or technical, may be obtained by submitting questions to: Purchasing Contact Name: Janett Adams Email: Phone: 404-612-7967 Fulton County, Georgia ("County") is soliciting Proposals from individuals or businesses interested in entering into a ground lease agreement for a private hangar facility at the Fulton County Executive Airport ("Airport"). All costs, including construction and operating costs of the private aircraft hangar, will be the responsibility of the Proposer. The ground lease agreement will be between the Proposer and Fulton County Government, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia The proposed hangar site and lease area are Parcel 2.C, as depicted in Exhibit B. The proposed site is also identified via aerial view in Exhibit C. Said tract contains 112,597 square feet or 2.585 acres. A United States customs hangar is being built in area 2.B., which will neighbor the lease area, and is depicted in Exhibit E.


Transportation Terminals


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work





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3977 Aviation Cir NW, Atlanta, GA

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