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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Reference Number 0000324040 Asphalt Overlay program areas: Kendall Street, 29th Avenue to 30th Avenue Pierce Street, 26th Avenue to 38th Avenue Holland Street, 32nd Avenue to 38th Avenue Ridge Road, Miller Street to Quail Street Oak Street, 38th Avenue to 38th Place Ammons Street, 44th Avenue to approx. 260 feet south 35th Avenue, Parfet Street to Kipling Street Teller Street, 32nd Place to 38th Avenue Alt #1, 38th Avenue, Dover Street to Holland Street Alt #2, 38th Avenue, Holland Street to Kipling Avenue General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required - Insurance Required Point of Contact: Whitney Mugford-Smith, Procurement Manager or phone 303- 235-2811. Do not contact the requesting department. Bid Bond: A 5% bid bond is required to be submitted with the bid. Payment and performance bonds for 100% of the contract price and insurance will be required from the successful bidder. Question Deadline 07/07/2023 at 2:00 PM MT Questions are submitted online Yes All bids will be validated. No bids will be accepted after the bid due time. The City of Wheat Ridge reserves the right to reject any and all bids or any part and to waive any formalities or informalities to make an award in the best interest of the City. Project Start Date By August 21, 2023 Completion Date By October 31, 2023 Main Bid Approximate quantities include: 5470 (SY) of 1" Edge Mill, 1981 (Ton) 2" Overlay, 34,044 (SY) 2.5" Full Mill, 216 (SF) 24" marking (Stop Bar), 1348 (LF) 24" Marking (X-Walk), 169 (SF) 24" Marking W/Tape, 21 (Each) 24" (Small) Bike Symbol, 3650 (SF) 3" DBL Yellow Mark Temp, 8440 (Ton) 3" Overlay, 5075 (SF) 4" (White) Modified Epoxy Recess, 5075 (SF) 4" (White) Marking Temp, 7880 (SF) 4" DBL Yellow Epoxy Recess, 1590 (LF) 4" DBL Yellow Epoxy Recess Temp, 2569 (LF) 4" DBL Yellow Mark W/T Epoxy Recess (TWTL/Turn Pocket), 6 (Each) 6" X 40' Traffic Loop (CIP), 90 (LF) 7" (White) Temp, 117 (SF) 8" (White) Epoxy Recess, 8 (Each) 8" Mark Arrow (Special)(Speed Hump/DBL Chevron & Shark Tooth), 61 (Each) Adjust Manhole, 1 (Each) Adjust Manhole (LG/Square), 2 (Each) Adjust Manhole (LG/XCEL),35 (Each) Adjust Water Valve, 699 (Ton) HMA Patching 6"(CIP)(SP-100) PG(64-22)S,4 (Each) Mark Arrow (Left)(15.5 SF), 2 (Each) Mark Arrow (Right)(15.5 SF), 3 (Each) Mark Arrow (Straight)(15.5 SF), 1 (Each) Mark Arrow Straight/Left Combo(STR/LF)(32 SF), 2 (Each) Mark Arrow Straight/Right Combo(STR/RT)(32 SF),20 (Each)Mark Special (Small)(Bike Symbol),33 (Each) Mark Special(ONLY), 33 (Each) Mark Special (PED), 33 (Each) Mark Special(Pedestrian)(Symbol).7 (Each) Reconstruct Manhole, 5 (Each) Sanitary Facility 1 (LS) Material Sampling and Testing, 1 (LS) Mobilization, 1 (LS)Sanitary Facility, 1 (LS) Traffic Control Management, 42 (Day) Traffic Control Officer with Car, 40 (Each) Work Zone Towing, 321 (SF) Sign Panel (Class 1), 4 (Ton) Asphalt Patch (Special), 20 (LF) Removal of Median Cover, 32 (LF) Removal of Curb and Gutter, 1 (Each) Reset Ground Sign. Alternative #1 Approximate Quantities include: 9080 (SY) 2.5" Full Mill, 160 (LF) 24" Marking (X-Walk), 1660 (SF) 3" DBL Yellow W/Temp (TWTL Lane),1530 (Ton) 3" Overlay, 1660 (LF) 4" DBL Yellow Epoxy Recess (TWTL Lane), 12 (Each) Adjust Manhole,8 (Each) Adjust Water Valve, 153 (Ton) HMA Patching 6"(CIP)(SP-100) PG(64-22)S,16 (Each) Mark Arrow (Left)(15.5 SF). 7 (Each) Mark Arrow (Special)(Shark Tooth)(8.0 SF), 1 (Each) Mark Arrow Straight/Left Combo (STR/LF)(32 SF), 2 (Each) Mark Arrow Straight/Right Combo(STR/RT)(32 SF),20 (Each)Mark Special (Small)(Bike Symbol), 1 (LS) Material Sampling and Testing, 1 (LS) Mobilization, 2 (Each) Reconstruct Manhole, 1 (LS)Sanitary Facility, 1 (LS) Traffic Control Management, 10 (Day) Traffic Control Officer with Car, 10 (Each) Work Zone Towing, 20 (SF) Sign Panel (Class 1), Alternative #2 Approximate Quantities: 8790 (SY) 2.5" Full Mill, 140 (LF) 24" Marking (X-Walk), 1570 (SF) 3" DBL Yellow W/Temp (TWTL Lane),1330 (Ton) 3" Overlay, 1570 (LF) 4" DBL Yellow Epoxy Recess (TWTL Lane), 8 (Each) Adjust Manhole,6 (Each) Adjust Water Valve, 133 (Ton) HMA Patching 6"(CIP)(SP-100) PG(64-22)S,20 (Each) Mark Arrow (Left)(15.5 SF), 1 (Each) Mark Arrow (Right), 2 (Each) Mark Arrow Straight,15 (Each) Mark Arrow (Special)(Shark Tooth)(8.0 SF), 1 (LS) Material Sampling and Testing, 1 (LS) Mobilization, 2 (Each) Reconstruct Manhole, 1 (LS)Sanitary Facility, 1 (LS) Traffic Control Management, 10 (Day) Traffic Control Officer with Car, 10 (Each) Work Zone Towing, 27 (SF) Sign Panel (Class 1), Note: 29 th Avenue quantities were removed from this bid due to new redesign in this area Cost Range is $1.5 Million to $2.1 Million Dollars.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Wheat Ridge, CO

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