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Published July 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Potterville, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Specifications : (Carehawk). The new system for the High School and middle school shall have a minimum of 80 circuits, two administrative phones, IP telephone interface(analog), expandable to 256 circuits, five additional phone or administrative circuits, network interface for programing(calendar), two voice paths and one program. Every classroom shall have a call-in switch and be able to independently be programmed for bells and paging. System shall also be able to record wave files and use as replacement for bells. The system shall be of the same manufacture as the existing Elementary system (Carehawk). The new system for the High School and middle school shall have a minimum of 80 circuits, two administrative phones, IP telephone interface(analog), expandable to 256 circuits, five additional phone or administrative circuits, network interface for programing(calendar), two voice paths and one program. Every classroom shall have a call-in switch and be able to independently be programmed for bells and paging. System shall also be able to record wave files and use as replacement for bells. The system shall be installed as a wall field in the existing MDF. The contractor will be required to install a % x4x8 fire rated plywood backboard . The existing Simplex intercom shall be removed at its existing location. All reused existing cable is to be relocated above the existing ceiling in a appropriated sized steel j-box and spliced to new plenum cable . New installed cable to be properly supported in Bridle rings to MDF. All existing 45 ohm speakers to be replaced with industry standard constant voltage speaker assembly's with 25/70 volt transformers. All existing volume controls in occupied offices to be replaced with new. All interior horns to be replaced with tamperproof speakers. The existing gym shall have two new horns in a tamperproof box. Provide 25volt to 600 ohm transformers and power amplifiers for the following areas. One 30 watt amplifier for the middle school hallway, one 60 watt amplifier for the high school hallway, one 60 watt amplifier for the existing cafeteria and one 250 watt amplifier for the exterior(outside). provide one Toa CS-304 horn pointing toward the picknick tables outside the existing library. The Carehawk central cabinet to be CH-2I-2A-1PG. The administrative consoles are to be installed in the central office and the middle/high school office. Contractor to supply all necessary hardware and labor for a complete system. Contractor shall also provide a training session for staff for Calendar(bell and paging zone scheduling and system operation.




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July 10, 2023

August 9, 2023


Multiple Locations, Potterville, MI

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