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Published December 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Kitimat, British Columbia. Completed plans call for the construction of a 5,832-square-foot, one-story above grade municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

The works to be constructed under this Contract includes, but is not limited to the following: Survey layout Localized grading and site preparation. Construct open sided compost facility building (approximately 12m x 45m) that includes a receiving area with food waste reception pit, active composting bays, and curing and storage area. Compost facility building includes: Concrete strip and pad foundations Concrete slab under entire structure with housekeeping pads for mechanical blowers. Concrete walls at back of building and several internal walls. Structural steel columns and bracing. Structural steel roof structure with 1 in 3 slope. Leachate drainage trenches at active composting bays. Leachate drainage trench along back of building and leachate holding tank with high level alarm and sump pump. Rainwater collection system and holding tank with overflow and sump pump. Mechanical blower system to provide aeration to active composting bays. Asphalt apron (6m wide) along front of building. Placement of Owner supplied seacan that houses electrical and mechanical controls. Electrical service to be provided from Owner supplied seacan to building. Underground conduit from Owner supplied seacan to future pole location. Supply and placement of concrete barriers to protect mechanical blowers and holding tanks. Perimeter electrical fence with solar power source. Tender documents may be obtained from the District of Kitimat on or after June 29th, 2023. The Bid Documents can be obtained from District of Kitimat. Contact Holly Thomopoulos at engineering@kitimat.ca. Award amount was not released for publication.




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