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Published July 5, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in El Mirage, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Primary Objective: The selected firm will provide Utilities GIS Services to aid in Data Management and Integration, Analysis and Modeling, Planning and Design, Decision Making, and Office/Field Work Related tasks. Typical tasks may include: Integrating and creating ArcGIS Online (AGOL) web applications Integrating and creating Data Analysis tools Integrating and adapting GIS workflow for field data entry Integrating and creating GIS dashboards Customizing tools to assist workflow Providing onsite GIS and Technology Support Supporting Mobile Device Integration Supporting integration with GIS and other City systems Background Information: The Utilities Department works within the Citywide GIS Architecture utilizing the Esri platform. The City has an Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) with Esri and maintains an on-site Enterprise Architecture with ArcGIS Portal along with ArcGIS Online. Utilities has access to most Esri tools under the ELA and currently utilizes ArcMap for desktop editing, analysis and visualizations, Collector for ArcGIS for field data collection, and ArcGIS Online web applications to view Utilities GIS. Location and attribute data has been developed by digitizing source documentation (primarily asbuilt/records) in GIS using the City's base map data with minimal locations derived from verified geographic coordinates. Utilities has GIS initiatives to improve data accuracy, updates, and availability such as making data accessible anywhere, improving locational accuracy to within 1 foot Horizontal / 0.1-foot Vertical of physical asset, and displaying up-to-date construction modifications. Utilities relies on the GIS for an accurate asset inventory that can integrate with other systems (directly or indirectly) including those that support asset and work order management, financial management, modeling, business intelligence, and location analysis. Utilities Divisions: Water Distribution and Wastewater, Customer Service, Environmental, Stormwater. Current Hardware, Software and System Platforms SCADA CCTV (POSM) for sewer inspections ESRI ArcGIS The City of El Mirage ("the City") is seeking an experienced, qualified vendors to provide Utilities Geographic Information System (GIS) Services. The contract period will be for an initial term of three (3) year with no more than two (2) additional (2) year extensions. LICENSES Contractor shall have at the time of proposal submittal, and shall maintain in current status, all Federal, State and Local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Contractor as applicable to this contract. The conclusion of the issuing authority in each case is to be deemed conclusive for the purposes of complying with this provision. By submitting a proposal for this public contract, you agree that, with respect to the contract, substantial compliance does not meet the minimum requirements of this or any provision hereof, or of any applicable law or other authority, and that strict compliance alone is adequate to meet those requirements, unless the City consents to such substantial compliance in writing at the time of proposal submittal. The determination shall be made by the City. Question Deadline 07/27/2023 at 3:00 PM
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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