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Renovation of a municipal facility in Ottawa, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Reference Number 0000250946 Question Acceptance Deadline Jul 14, 2023 02:00 PM EDT Pricing Lump sum This contract includes all Personnel Records Centre work called for, or implied, by the drawings and specifications, together with all necessary incidentals, whether referred to or not, as will be required to complete the work to the full intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications. The work in the Personnel Records Centre Building located in Tunney's Pasture includes, but is not limited to the following: 1- Disconnect the existing roof top from the electrical power and glycol piping and supply ductwork. 2- Remove the existing roof top unit (approximately 8000 Lbs) and the existing roof curb and dispose of old equipment being replaced, off site. 3- Adjust the existing glycol supply and return lines from the unit to fit the new unit arrangement. Replace the old wood ramps over the glycol piping and adjust to new arrangement. 4- Insulate and provide insulation cladding (per existing) for new glycol piping. 5- Verify existing glycol flow before demolition. 6- Shut off the hot water flow during construction. 7- X-ray the concrete roof structure to avoid reinforcing and prepare the existing concrete roof base to receive new anchors for seismic restraint of new roof top unit. 8- Repair Roofing around new curb with insulation and components to match existing. 9- Supply and install new seismic roof curb on the roof and anchor it to the concrete. 10- Supply and install new flashing at base of unit over curb. 11- Supply and install new roof top unit and anchor it to the new roof curb. 12- Install new flexible ductwork outlet connection and ductwork inlet connection on the new roof top unit. 13- Electrically connect the new unit using the existing wiring. 14- Connect the new unit of the new controls system and wiring. 15- Supply and install new controls wiring, programming to link the new unit to the BAS system (inputs, outputs). 16- Make new wall opening complete with structural framing and flashing for the new return ductwork. 17- Supply and install new return ductwork and dampers between the new unit and the existing exhaust duct in the penthouse, upstream from the existing exhaust fan. 18- Supply and install new supports for the new return ductwork. 19- Supply and install new outlet ductwork transition to connect the new flex connection at the unit outlet and existing supply ductwork. 20- Repair the damaged insulation and cladding on the existing supply ductwork. 21- Replace the old wood walkway over the glycol pipes and adjust to new piping arrangement (and dispose of old equipment off site). 22- Disconnect the existing pneumatic operators on the three VAV boxes and the four perimeter hydronic heating system valves in the "SPECIAL PURPOSE AREA" and replace them with new Belimo operators which are DDC compatible. 23- Supply and install a new room humidifier complete with wall mounted room humidistat. 24- Supply and install new water supply piping and valving to the new humidifier and new drainage piping from the humidifier. 25- Supply and install a new CO2 sensor compatible for DDC operation. 26 Supply and install a new duct pressor sensor compatible with DDC operation. 27- Disconnect the existing in duct humidifier system from the electric power. 28- Supply and install the required control wiring for the new system data points. 29- Supply and implement the programming of the existing BAS system (through existing service provider; Automated Logic) for the controls of the new system. 30- Balance the new air system and glycol system and provide complete balancing report. 31- Test the operation of the new equipment &controls and record the test data in a report. 32- Complete the testing and commissioning operations and complete the forms (CMMS, etc) and other paperwork according to specifications and owner s requirements. 33- Supply copies of the test results, shop drawings, operations manuals etc to engineer and owner and include in the operations manual. 34- The completed work shall not take away and function which the system presently has. 35- All the electrical wiring and Power, and control wiring for the new HVAC system is included in the work to be completed. All system controls are to be tested including, but not limited to, the variable speed drive, free cooling, VAV flow controls, start-stop, alarms, humidifier functions, etc. 36- Provide testing and commissioning of sequences of operation as described in specifications 37- Replace fuses & disconnect for the roof top unit. fuses and disconnect are located in cabinet near existing humidifier on fourth floor in front of elevators. new disconnect to be 100 amps with 70 AMP fuses. 38- Supply and install local disconnect on new roof top unit. locate the disconnect on the side of the unit closest to the penthouse exterior wall. 39- Supply and install 20 amp whether proof GFI duplex receptacle and feeder on exterior wall of the penthouse near the new roof top unit. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform. Award is subject to final approval.




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161 Goldenrod Driveway, Ottawa, ON

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