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Published July 9, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Spokane, Washington. Completed plans call for the demolition of a multi-residential development; for the construction of a multi-residential development; for site work for a multi-residential development; and for paving for a multi-residential development.

Hifumi-en LLLP as owner and Spokane Housing Authority as developer (together referred to herein as "SHA") are requesting interested general contractors to submit their qualifications to provide general contractor services including pre-construction, sitework, offsite infrastructure, building construction, and building demolition for the Hifumi-en Apartments. This project includes new construction of an 86-unit 3-story apartment building and demolition of the existing 41-unit Hifumi-en apartment building all at the Spokane, WA addresses listed above with estimated hard construction costs between $20-22M. This estimated cost includes contractor overhead, profit, bond and general conditions but excludes sales tax, furnishings, and contingency. Hifumi-en Apartments LLLP intends to enter a negotiated construction contract with the successful general contractor. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. This RFQ is coordinated by Paul Trautman. Submitters may contact Mr. Trautman at ptrautman@spokanehousing.org or 509-252-7148 with RFP questions until 4:30 PM on July 12 (the Clarification Deadline) or to confirm timely receipt of their RFQ submission. RFQ responses will be reviewed and, depending on the number of responses, screened to create a short list of firms for interview. The owner will select the most qualified firm to deliver the requested General Contractor services. SHA proposes to build a residential new construction project located at 926 E 8th and 827 S Conklin, Spokane. This site has extensive basalt rock. The preliminary design calls for constructing a 52,991 SF threestory building with 86 one-bedroom apartments with common spaces, surface parking, and landscaped common areas. This new building site is currently vacant except for a wood-framed shed, 200 SF masonry garage with lead-based painted trim, and outdoor landscape amenities to be demolished prior to new construction. Following construction, demolish the adjacent 23,000 SF 41-unit residential building containing ACM and vermiculite at 926 W 8th




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Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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July 17, 2023

September 18, 2023


827 S Conklin St, Spokane, WA

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