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Published July 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Bremerton, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Kitsap Transit is seeking bids from qualified vendors to replace its current gas heater located at Kitsap Transit's Gateway Center. Replacement of the gas heater will also include running new electrical and gas lines, installation of programable thermostat, and venting of the new gas heater through the roof. The purpose of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) overall goal is to achieve a "level playing field" for ready, willing and able DBE's seeking to participate in Federally-assisted Contracts. Kitsap Transit's DBE goal for Federal fiscal year 2023 is 2.92% Please contact Michael Ricketts at michaelri@kitsaptransit.com if you are interested in this project. Pre-Bid Questions: All questions, requests for information, and Pre-Bid material substitutions, must be submitted in writing and received by 5:00 PM June 21, 2023 via e-mail: michaelri@kitsaptransit.com. It is Kitsap Transit's policy to ensure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by prohibiting discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the provision of benefits and services resulting from Federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation and in the Award and administration of all Contracts. Small and women or minority owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 are encouraged to submit Bids Pre-Bid Questions: All questions, requests for information, and Pre-Bid material substitutions, must be submitted in writing and received by 5:00 PM June 21, 2023 via e-mail: michaelri@kitsaptransit.com. General Scope Kitsap Transit is seeking Bids from qualified vendors to replace its current gas heater located at Kitsap Transit's Gateway Center. Replacement of gas heater will also include: - Running new electrical circuits for heater and programable thermostat - Connecting current serviced gas line to gas line servicing new heater. - Venting new gas heater through roof. - Pulling of permits and scheduling inspection by city inspectors 2. Owner Furnished Material - None 3. Work Site Location - Work site for this project is at Kitsap Transit's Gateway Center located at: Gateway Center 2526 6 th St Bremerton, WA 98312 - Work on the location can be completed on site from 9am to 5pm. Vendors shall have access to a secured area where laydown can be completed. 4. Scope of Work - Removal of Current Heater, Electrical and Gas Connections Contractor will be responsible for removal and disposal of current heater and associated gas/electrical lines. Any leftover gas lines need to be capped/decommissioned. Current electrical connection shall be removed from current junction box and terminated. - Installation of new heater and thermostat Contractor will be responsible for the purchase and installation of new Modine Model HD 125,000 BTU / 80-85% thermal efficiency gas heater. Name brand or equivalent with salient characteristics accepted. Unit shall be installed in southeast corner of main warehouse room. Vendor shall purchase and install new Honeywell PRO1000 Digital Thermostat to be used with the new Modine Heater. Name brand or equivalent with salient characteristics accepted. Thermostat shall be installed on west wall in convenient to access area

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Transportation Terminals


Public - County


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July 13, 2023

July 24, 2023


2526 6th St, Bremerton, WA

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