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Published July 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Amherst, Nova Scotia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The equipment offered under this proposal shall be new. Equipment other than new current model year will not be considered. The proponent must be either, a manufacturer, a factory branch, or an agent engaged in the business of selling, dealing and servicing the proposed equipment and must maintain a full stock of parts and provide full service. Multiple Proposals may be submitted, but will be submitted with complete information as if a new submission. Any deviation from specifications must be shown on proposal form. If no deviations are shown, it will be evaluated that proposed equipment meets or exceeds specifications called for. The Town of Amherst, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to waive minor non conformance to the specifications provided it does not compromise the intended use of the Vehicle The successful proponent will supply and deliver to the Town of Amherst one (1) articulating sidewalk plow and accessories. The equipment offered under this proposal shall be new and of the current model year or from one model year prior provided the equipment is in new condition and comes with a complete warranty. All questions relating to this Request for Proposals to be directed IN WRITING to: Name: Danielle Cooper Title: Procurement Coordinator Phone: 902-667-6518 Email: dcooper@amherst.ca Should any question raised by a proponent necessitate an addendum to this Request for Proposal, addendum notice will be posted Electronically The Town of Amherst has the right to reject any vendor that is found to be in communication with a Town staff member other than the contact above. The Town will not, and cannot be held responsible for, any information used within a proposal that has not been communicated through this RFP, an addendum issued by Town staff specific to this RFP, and/or including information heard or communicated at any site visit. Failure to mark the subject line with the Tender ID could result in a bid being rejected as late. Note: with proposals being submitted through electronic means only, all references to documents now mean electronic documents. Proposals must be received by the email address: procurement@amherst.ca. Submissions received by emails other than the address above, or in any physical location, will not be accepted. Proposals must be received complete by the time listed above on the timestamp issued by the server for the Town of Amherst. This server will be assumed to be correct in the event of dispute and will be considered the official receipt date and time. It is solely the responsibility of each bidder to ensure their Proposal Submission arrives on time. Late Proposal Submissions will not be accepted. Proponents are advised the Town of Amherst has electronic mail security systems in place and therefore Proponents must allow sufficient time before the official closing time of the RFP to be received by the Town of Amherst electronic mail system. The Town of Amherst is not responsible for electronic mail submission failures, or failures of any kind regarding a vendor's inability to submit by the date and time listed above. Submissions may be withdrawn at any time prior to opening. Any submissions or addenda submitted by fax, telephone, or physical hard copy will not be accepted under any circumstances. All submissions must be firm for 90 calendar days. The price is to include any and all delivery charges, FOB Amherst, Nova Scotia. The Town of Amherst reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, or any portion thereof, to advertise for new submissions, to proceed to do the work otherwise, or to abandon the work, if in the best interest of the Town. The Town of Amherst reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information, if required. All costs associated with the presentation of the tender submission and any supplemental information shall be borne solely by the bidder, and shall not be passed on to the Town under any circumstances. The Proponent is responsible for obtaining any needed clarification of the RFP while it is open. Questions are to be directed in writing to the contact named in the tender. Email is the preferred method of contact. No verbal responses will be given. Only information received from the contact is considered valid and is to be used within the tender response. Bidders will be deemed to have familiarized themselves with the existing working conditions which may affect the performance of the Contract. No claims for extra compensation resulting from failure to investigate will be paid. The Town of Amherst reserves the right to inspect any work performed as a result of this RFP either during the life of the project or at completion, and shall be the sole judge as to whether the work performed or item proposed is satisfactory. The Town of Amherst reserves the right to cancel the contract immediately upon written notice, if, in the opinion of Chief Administrative Officer, the successful Proponent is not fulfilling the terms, conditions and specifications of the contract. Proposal approval will be contingent on the bid being approved by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town of Amherst, who may at any time, choose to forward the bid to Amherst Town Council for Council's approval. The successful proponent and the Town of Amherst can then proceed to settle, draft and sign the necessary legal agreement. Failure to comply with any requirements of this RFP could result in the rejection of the submission or delay in payment. This RFP is subject to the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and the Atlantic Procurement Agreement. Bid Opening - Proposals will be opened. This will be determined by availability of staff and resources, at the full discretion of the Town. This RFP will not have a public opening. Location - 98 Victoria Street East, Amherst, NS (Town Hall) Time is of the essence in all matters under this order and the specified completion/delivery dates should be carefully considered before proponents enter a promised date on this form. Failure to meet promised completion/delivery dates may result in cancellation of any subsequent order Estimated Duration of Contract (months) - 24


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Amherst, NS

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