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Published July 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The RFP is to provide technical advice, supply, and installation of an automated water main leak monitoring system to lower water losses in the city. The selected proponent will be challenged to identify and overcome technical issues related to finding small leaks in the system to lower losses for the city. This will include evaluating/testing the compatibility of aged water mains in the network to determine if they will work with the technology available. This is to include services, activities, and equipment to test each applicable hydrant node and pipe segment of the CI, DI, and AC to determine if the buried pipes achieve the appropriate acoustics/frequency ranges to work properly with the fixed systems to find leaks. Pipe break/repairs, valve replacements and Tie-In records are not accurate and may mean that sections of PVC with couplers were used during the repair. These sections of PVC may affect the performance of the proposed monitoring system. Replaced hydrants are likely connected with PVC and couplers to the older mains. This section of PVC may affect performance of the monitoring system. Please see the Water Network Map for reference of where hydrants with this situation are known to exist. First priority will be to monitor Century old pipes as they were installed in common trenches with the clay tile sanitary sewer. This close proximity could allow leaking water to find a non-surfacing path into the sanitary mains which would be otherwise harder to detect. These pipes were generally cast with this iron and the bell and spigot joints sealed with oakum and lead. Second priority will be the CI, DI and AC pipes aged from the 1950's and newer. These pipes are spaced apart further than the century old but generally have thin walls. These pipes were generally bell and spigot. A few pipes within the city are "Universal Joints" with pipe specific couplers at each joint however the old bolts can corrode off and leak. The Successful Proponent will be required to enter into a contract based on the Contract for Professional Services they submit. The contract supplied will be reviewed by the City. Additions, removals, or modifications to the supplied contract may be requested. Negotiations between the City and the Successful Proponent will then occur until terms are agreed, or no agreement is deemed possible. Anticipated award date August 16, 2023 September 20, 2023 - System Evaluation Completed October 25, 2023 - Equipment installed. November 30, 2023 - Final Project Report Delivered Enquiries to the attention of: Peter Bergquist, A.Sc.T - Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Humboldt, Public Works and Utilities Telephone No: 306-682-2525, Ext 662 Email: peter.bergquist@humboldt.ca The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for any reason, without explanation, whether arbitrary, unreasonable, or otherwise. The winning proposal may not necessarily be chosen based on the lowest price, or the timeliest delivery. The city may also waive any minor irregularities in any proposal as well as negotiate for the modification of a proposal.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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July 31, 2023

October 25, 2023


Multiple Locations, Humboldt, SK

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