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Published September 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field in Laurel, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field.

*As of September 13, 2023, project was awarded, start date is middle of October and will be completed by end of this year** **As of August 24, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. The Project is expected to be awarded on September 11, 2023.** Cost range: $200,000 - $350,000 This project involves the removal and replacement of all exterior and interior lights at the Stephen P. Turney Recreation Complex located at 9801 Fort Meade Road. Each proposal must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond made payable to the City of Laurel in the amount of Five Percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. A minority-owned business (as defined by Federal and State Minority-owned Business program qualifications); a Laurel-area business (Laurel post office premise address); or Maryland-located business (when competing with out-of-state bidders) shall be granted a preference even if not the low bidder and chosen so long as their bid is within three percent (3%) of the low bid. Except where the City exercises the right reserved herein to reject any or all bids, and contingent upon the availability of funds, the Contract will be awarded to the bidder who has submitted the lowest or best bid, quality of goods, materials and work, time of delivery or completion, and responsibility of bidders being considered. The low bidder will be determined by utilizing the base bid, or the base bid in combination with the alternate, whichever is determined by the City to be in its best interest. All questions regarding this bid should be directed to Mr. Bill Bailey, Director, City of Laurel, Department of Parks and Recreation at (301) 725-5300 Ext.2233 or emailed to Mr. Bailey at bbailey@laurel.md.us. All questions must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2023. The City of Laurel reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A. Baseball/Softball Field Lighting - Vendor will provide the photometric engineered plan and aiming diagrams for each fixture and each pole for the baseball/softball field, driving range, and mini golf course. The proposed baseball/softball field design should achieve light levels and uniformity equal to or better than outlined in Section 2.2 Lighting Performance. B. Baseball/Softball Field Lighting - Vendor will assist the contractor with commissioning of the luminaires and networking control system at the completion of the work to ensure functionality of the system and that the required lighting levels are met. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the existing hardscapes and landscapes and return each too its pre-construction condition in the event of damage. D. Existing fixtures, ballasts and lamps will be disposed of offsite at Contractors' expense following all applicable laws. E. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 4 pm. Weekend work may be allowed pending approval by City of Laurel. Weekday hours may be cut short if an event conflicts with the construction at the field. If this occurs, City of Laurel will grant a non-compensable time extension to the required completion duration. F. Contractor shall coordinate with Vendors and other trades, in advance of installation work, to define all infrastructure and installation requirements. Contractor shall coordinate all infrastructure requirements with all approved lighting equipment prior to infrastructure installation. This includes, but not limited to, appropriately sized, positioned, and located junction boxes, structural supports, feeds, power conduits and control conduits, and remote code-compliant power-supply enclosures. G. Contractor shall provide all luminaires, as herein specified, complete with light engines, drivers, power supplies, and accessories for safe and effective operation. All fixtures shall be installed and left in an operable condition with no broken, damaged or soiled parts. H. Contractor shall coordinate all infrastructure requirements with all approved lighting equipment prior to infrastructure installation, including, but not limited to appropriately sized, positioned and located junction boxes, structural supports, feeds, power and control conduits, and remote code-compliant power-supply enclosures. Bid Result: R.L. Thompson $256,343.00 Zerodraft of Maryland $299,926.32 Lighting Maintenance $375,000.00


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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July 28, 2023

September 28, 2023


9801 Fort Meade Rd, Laurel, MD

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