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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ridgely, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Successful Bidder shall top, trim, or cut down trees and remove stumps as specified by the Caroline County Public Works Roads Superintendent. Approved trimming methods shall be followed and wherever possible the amount of clearance provided shall be the maximum consistent with the health of the trees. All brush material generated by these operations shall be disposed of by means of a mechanical brush chipper unless otherwise directed by the Caroline County Public Works Roads Superintendent. All Chips will be disposed of by Contractor. If disposed of at landfill scale, tickets are required for reimbursement. Generally, the trimming or topping of live trees shall be accomplished by the “natural trimming” (drop crotch) technique to provide clearance over County roads, sidewalks, and structures. The Successful Bidder shall remove from trees all dead wood that might break loose and, in any way, fall to the ground. The Successful Bidder shall, when practicable, top or cut down all dead or defective trees that might block or damage public roads or Right–Of-Ways. All wood resulting from the falling of trees on other than County property shall be left for the use of the Property Owner if requested. Otherwise, it shall be removed by County Road crews if too large for the chipper. Stumps, when requested, shall be ground out to a depth of not less than eight (8) inches and shall include all root material that can be removed without damage to roads, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, or private property. Disturbed areas shall be smoothed, topsoil added as needed, and seeded. All MOT will be the Contractors’ responsibility and conform to MUTCD Guidelines. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any/or all bids. The County Commissioners of Caroline County, on behalf of the Caroline County Department of Public Works, are accepting contractor bids at the Caroline County Courthouse located at 109 Market Street, Denton, MD 21629 for Roadway Tree Trimming services at various locations throughout the County. Work is generally described, but is not limited to the below as follows Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to: Bryan North, Roads Superintendent at 410-479-0520 or by emailing


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Ridgely, MD

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