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Published September 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Alpena, Michigan. Design plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

The Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB) on behalf of Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), Michigan Air National Guard (MIANG), is requesting professional architectural and engineering services to perform Phase 300-700 Professional Services at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center (CRTC), Alpena, Michigan. The intent of this selection process is to contract with a qualified firm to provide ad-hoc professional services to design a project to repair/renovate the base headquarters facility (building 100). The PSC will be required to meet with CRTC personnel to determine the full scope of interior architectural and HVAC system repairs. Architectural repairs include minor reconfiguration of existing framed and systems furniture walls and doors, interior finishes (paint, wallpaper, flooring), replace drop ceilings, replace lighting, minor drywall and tile repairs, reconfigure and replace systems furniture. Renovate existing restrooms, including installation of showers if space allows. Replace existing HVAC heating system, including boiler and belt-driven fan coil system, with a forced air furnace-based system. Install split air conditioner unit, duct free system, to serve communications room (Room 110). Replace all water heaters. Update Installation Commanders conference room lighting, electrical, and communications to accommodate modernized Audio/Visual capabilities (Room 111). The email Subject must include: facility name, project name, date and time of Pre-Proposal Walk Through Meeting Reference attached Statement of Work (SOW) for full design scope of work. DMVA has budgeted $800,000 for construction of this project. This request is to provide Phase 300 Schematic Design, Phase 400 Preliminary Design, and Phase 500 Final Design. We anticipate 50% and 90% design submittals during all design phases. Phase 600 and 700 construction administration by the PSC will be required, and the PSC will participate in the contractor bidding and selection process. Provide a complete PSC proposal for all required Professional Architectural and Engineering Services in compliance with the State of Michigan, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB) Project Statement (DTMB-0427), DTMB Billable Rate Professional Services Contract and the DTMB Request for Proposal Billable Rate Form (DTMB-0430) and the DTMB, State Facilities Administration, Design and Construction (DCD) policies and procedures for complete Phase 300, 400 and 500 design services to produce the deliverables detailed in the Scope of Work. Professional services shall also include, but are not limited to; Gathering and verifying all base information required for the proper design of the project. Phase 300, 400, 500 design services as required to produce schematic plans through contract document development. Design submittals at 50% and 90% of each design phase. Cost estimates are required with each 90% submittal. Phase 600 & 700 construction administration services. Gathering or preparing all data and design development information that shall ultimately be necessary for plans, submittals, and permit application considerations where required. Include as reimbursable expenses. Provide a proposed design schedule. Schedule shall be kept up to date through the project design. Provide up to four (4) full-size sealed hardcopy sets of contract documents, including addenda, for DTMB and DMVA use during construction. DTMB Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permitting (SESC) plan review submittal (if required). Sub-consultants, printing/reproduction, postage, and project travel (over 100 miles) are to be included as a reimbursable expense. The PSC proposal shall include: The proposal must include meetings as required to fulfill the intent of the contract. While some project team meetings may be considered in the form of computer-based meetings (e.g., Teams, Zoom, etc.), key review meetings shall be in person. For all document review meetings, required review information shall be submitted within sufficient time to allow for complete Owner review, in electronic and in hard copy formats. At a minimum, four (4) face to face meetings will be required, including but not limited to: the predesign meeting, pre bid meeting and pre-construction meetings. Provide a bi-weekly progress summary email to the project team, briefly documenting the prior two weeks progress by the PSC and display the initial project schedule and current schedule status. All testing required to verify the site conditions for the proper design are to be identified in the PSC Technical proposal, and the associated costs of testing are to be itemized in the PSC Cost proposal as reimbursements. The PSC shall indicate in their proposal any testing requirements. A graphic bar chart schedule (in weeks) indicating the PSCs proposed timeline for services based on a proposed PSC contract start date of October 1, 2023. For scheduling purposes, assume fourteen (14) calendar days each for Owner review for the documentation and recommendation. The PSC shall be required to maintain a complete project file of all project documentation including, but not limited to, base information, contract documents, all correspondence, all e-mails, all RFIs and answers, Field Orders, and communications. The budget for this work is believed to be reasonable to accommodate the services requested. However, in the event it is insufficient to fund all the work requested, it is anticipated that a contract modification may be requested at a later date. Reference attached SOW for required milestones, meetings, deliverables, plan reviews and schedules. Comply with all regulations identified in the PWS, attachments incorporated by reference below, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Please NOTE: Firms should only submit one (1) attachment (being less than 6 MB) for proposal submission. The attachment is to be the technical and cost proposal combined. Do not wait until just before deadline to submit your proposal response. Please email the Design and Construction Contract Specialists if you are having issues. Please include your SIGMA ticket number and any supporting documentation (i.e., screenshots) to Anne Watros (WatrosA@michigan.gov) and Don Klein (KleinD4@michigan.gov). You may be asked by our contract specialists to email your proposal. Emailed submissions will require DCD approval and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Contract Award: September 2023 Design: October 2023 - February 2024 (5 Months) Bid and Award: March - May 2024 Construction: Start October 2024 (Pending HVAC equipment lead times) This project will comply with all codes, standards, regulations, and workers safety rules that are administered by federal agencies (EPA, OSHA, and DOT), state agencies (DHHS, EGLE, DNR, and MIOSHA), and any other local regulations and standards that may apply. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 1, 2024


5884 A St, Alpena, MI

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RFP Design - Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center - Repair Headquarters Building 100

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