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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Newington, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Town of Newington reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities in procedure. All questions to be directed to Len Thomas, Road Agent at 603-396-1816. Monday- Friday 8:30-4:00pm All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked "Road Paving Bid" I. REQUEST FOR BIDS The Town of Newington, NH is soliciting bids for roadway paving. Bids shall be based on a per ton price, itemized with estimated tonnage by proposed streets. II. INTENT The intent of this bid is to hire a contractor to resurface various streets in the Town of Newington with hot bituminous pavement laid in place. Materials required will be New Hampshire spec hot mix asphalt, Type "E" placed with a mechanical spreader. III. SPECIFICATIONS A leveling course of Type "E" Asphalt Cement/Tack Coat to be applied to prepare the pavement for the wearing course of 2" of mix. Any material delivered to the spreader having a temperature lower than 225 shall not be used. Compaction shall conform to New Hampshire Specification 401.3.5 and paver speed shall be such that dragging and corrugations do not appear in the finished surface. Asphalt mixture shall be set in place by rolling a steel roller after spreading and adjusting surface irregularities. The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation and any Addenda shall apply to all technical and measurement aspects of this project. Finished paving shall be such that puddles are eliminated from the travel portion of the road. Road shoulders shall be graveled where required. Contractor will be required to feather into all existing intersections and driveway entrances will be milled. IV. LOCATION OF WORK Specific locations to be provided, currently under consideration are: 1. Area Involved: Fox Point Road-Commencing at Old Post Road intersection, place 2" of 19mm NH DOT base hot top, terminating at intersection with Little Bay Road, comprising approx. 6320 SY. Work Involved: a) Cold plane existing asphalt pavement at limit(s) of work as required b) Sweep existing asphalt pavement c) Construct a 1/2 " bituminous concrete leveling course by machine method d) Construct a 2" bituminous concrete surface course by machine method e) Furnish and install 2' processed gravel shoulders f) Arrange traffic control as determined by Police Chief g) Cold planing at limit(s) of work- driveways to be milled. 2. Area Involved: McIntyre Road sink hole Approx. 30 SY Work Involved: a) Sawcut/Excavate existing asphalt pavement b) Excavate unsuitable base material as required c) Furnish and install crushed gravel as required d) Fine grade and compact e) Construct a 4" bituminous concrete pavement in two courses by hand method f) Arrange traffic control as determined by Police Chief 3. Area Involved: McIntyre Road from State Maintenance Line terminating at end of Airport opening; place 2" of 19mm NH DOT base hot top, comprising approximately 4720 SY. Work Involved: a) Cold plane existing asphalt pavement at limit(s) of work as required b) Sweep existing asphalt pavement c) Construct a 1/2 " bituminous concrete leveling course by machine method d) Construct a 2" bituminous concrete surface course by machine method e) Furnish and install 2' processed gravel shoulders f) Arrange traffic control as determined by Police Chief g) Cold planing at limit(s) of work- driveways 4. Area Involved: Shattuck Way by River Road (215 feet by 37 feet) Place 4" of 19mm NHDOT base hot top. a.) Arrange traffic control as determined by Police Chief b) Reclaim at 10 inch depth c.) Adjust six structures d.) Fine grade and compact e.) 4" base hot top f.) Furnish and install 2' gravel shoulders g.) Cold planing at limit(s) of work- driveways The bidder is expected to examine carefully the site of the proposed work, standard specifications and contract form before submitting a proposal. The submission of a bid shall be considered conclusive evidence that the bidder has made such examination and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered in performing the work and as to the requirements of the contract. It will be conclusive evidence that the bidder has also investigated and is satisfied with the sources of supply for all materials. The Town reserves the right to delete portions of the work prior to contract execution. The Town further reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. V. DELIVERY Application to be prior to September 30, 2023 at a mutually agreed upon time. VI. PAYMENT Payment shall be made within thirty days of receipt of bill upon completion of work. VII. TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic control shall be provided by the contractor. The contractor shall provide standard construction signing, barricades and cones. Contractor shall communicate with the Newington Police Department to determine where traffic details may be required. VIII. INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the contractor certifies that if awarded the contract, it will provide a current certificate of liability and vehicle insurance. The contractor further certifies that they will maintain this insurance coverage during the entire terms of the contract, and that all insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in New Hampshire.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Newington, NH

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