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Published August 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Beaumont, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/TABS/Search/Project/TABS2023025224 Project Name: Jefferson Street Infrastructure Project Number: TABS2023025224 Facility Name: Jefferson Strret Location Address: 700 block Jefferson St Beaumont, TX 77701 Location County: Jefferson Start Date: 9/25/2023 Completion Date: 1/26/2024 Estimated Cost: $392,000 Type of Work: Renovation/Alteration Type of Funds: This project involves public funds, public land, or is a Federally funded roadway project. Scope of Work: sidewalks, curbs, gutters, curb ramps Square Footage: 450 ft 2 ----------------------------------------------------- Street Infrastructure Repair. Question Deadline 07/31/2023 at 12:00 PM CT The deadline to ask questions. Item 104 - Removing Concrete: Material to become property of the contractor unless otherwise specified. Break material into manageable pieces and dispose of off-site. Saw existing concrete surfaces full depth as shown on the plans to create neat edges along material to remain. Sawing will not be paid for directly and will be subsidiary to Item 104. Item 105 - Remove Treated and Untreated Base and Asphalt Pavement: Material to become property of the contractor unless otherwise specified. Break material into manageable pieces and dispose of off-site. Saw existing asphalt surfaces as shown on the plans to create neat edges along material to remain. Sawing will not be paid for directly and will be subsidiary to Item 105. Item 110 - Excavation: Maintain drainage in the excavated area to avoid damage to the roadway section. Contractor shall correct any damage to the subgrade at their sole cost. Excavate as required to the lines and grades shown in the plans. This work will not be paid for directly but will be subsidiary to various other items. Material to become property of the contractor unless otherwise specified. Item 134 - Backfilling Pavement Edges: Backfill shall be Type A or B and shall be capable of sustaining vegetation. Contractor shall backfill all areas behind the back of curb to provide proper drainage into the gutter. Item 162 - Block Sodding:Contractor to sod all areas disturbed by grading operations, as determined by the owner or engineer. When sufficiently dry, the sodded area shall be rolled or tamped to form a thoroughly compacted, solid mat. Water used for preparing the sod for digging and keeping the sod moist from the source until it is planted shall be considered subsidiary to the various pay items involved. Item 247 - Flexible Base:Flexible base shall be Limestone (Type A)(Gr 1-2). Compact using density control. Item 360 - Concrete Pavement:Concrete for roadway shall be Class P. Concrete for sidewalk may be Class A. Item 465 - Junction Boxes, Manholes and Inlets: Required excavation and backfill as shown in the plans will be subsidiary to this item. Additional storm sewer pipe, pipe collars, grout and backfill necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans will also be subsidiary to thisitem. Item 496 - Removing Structures:Structures to become property of the contractor unless otherwise specified. Break material into manageable pieces and dispose of off-site. Item 502 - Barricades, Signs and Traffic Handling: Traffic control shall be in accordance will all applicable provisions of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) as required to provide adequate traffic handling in order to adhere to the detour plans. Barricades throughout construction to prevent thru traffic. Item 506 - Temporary Erosion, Sedimentation and Environmental Controls: Contractor shall attempt to create the least amount or erosion and sedimentation runoff as possible. Erosion control devices shall be maintained throughout the entire length of construction unless otherwise specified by the engineer. Construction entrances may be required by the owner or engineer. Item 529 - Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Combined Curb and Gutter: Reinforcing shall be required in all curb/gutter as shown on the plans. Item 531 - Sidewalks: It will be the contractor's responsibility to ensure that all sidewalks and ramps comply with all ADA standards. Item 644 - Small Roadside Sign Assemblies: On signs to be relocated, reuse of the existing sign is allowed but new foundations, posts and hardware are required. Sign assemblies shall conform to the most current "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices", city standards and applicable TxDot standards and specifications. Item 666 - Retroreflectorized Pavement Markings: No stripe will be placed without the inspector, engineer or city personnel present and at least 24 hours advance notice has been given by the contractor. Traffic handling for striping will be subsidiary to this item. Item 7016 - Sanitary Sewer Manhole: Contractor to protect existing sewer service to ensure it remains active or shall provide bypass pumping. This work will not be paid for directly but will be subsidiary to various other items.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Jefferson St, Beaumont, TX

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