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Published July 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chester, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Question & Answer Cut-off Date: August 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m I. Request to Submit Proposals The New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council (Highlands Council) is soliciting proposals consisting of a Statement of Qualifications, Technical Proposals, and Rate Schedule & Budget from firms with varied expertise in all facets of open space and recreation planning. The proposed project is to develop an Open Space and Recreation Plan for the Highlands Region which, after public and key stakeholder input, will identify specific properties, establish priorities for preservation, and align potential funding sources for land preservation needed to accomplish the conservation and recreation goals of the region, as well as be a plan to effectively utilize and leverage resource-based recreation in the Region. It is recommended that any respondent review the Highlands Council's Open Space Rule at N.J.A.C. 7:70, the Regional Master Plan (RMP), the NJ Highlands Economic Sustainability Plan and the RMP Land Preservation and Stewardship Technical Report. In addition, as partial funding may come from a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), respondents are encouraged to review the Highlands Conservation Act Grant Program - Capacity Building Cooperative Agreement documents. II. Background The Highlands Region is a physiographic area of northern New Jersey, comprised of 88 municipalities within parts of seven counties. The Highlands is a diverse landscape with both rural and densely developed areas. The geographic boundaries of the region are established in the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act, see N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq. (Highlands Act), which also created the Highlands Council. The Highlands Act states that the goals of the Regional Master Plan (RMP) shall be to preserve to the maximum extent possible any environmentally sensitive lands and other lands needed for recreation and conservation purposes; preserve farmland and historic sites and other historic resources; and preserve outdoor recreation opportunities, including hunting and fishing, on publicly owned land. To help meet these goals, the Highlands Council seeks to develop an Open Space and Recreation Plan for the region. III. Scope of Services The objective of this project is to develop an Open Space and Recreation Plan for the Highlands Region. The Plan will catalog existing open space and recreation lands, identify additional properties that may be appropriate for either open space and/or recreation, and provide a framework for acquiring future open space and recreational opportunities. The Plan will be developed with the benefit of significant outreach before, during, and after the plan adoption to address equity amongst all stakeholders within the State. Restrictions on Communications with Highlands Council Staff Any questions regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to: gabrielle.gallagher@highlands.nj.gov. Note that all questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by email no later than 5:00 p.m. {Monday}, {August 18, 2023}. Respondents to this RFP are instructed not to communicate in any other manner than as set forth immediately above with any other representatives of the Highlands Council during the submission process, and not to communicate with any representatives of the Highlands Council during the selection process for this contract, unless such communication was initiated by a representative of the Highlands Council in connection with any request for clarification to a response. In the event that any Addenda or clarifying communication arises out of a question submitted by a respondent or Team, the said clarification and response or Addendum shall be issued to all respondents. Only the interpretations and/or corrections issued as a written Addendum to the RFP by a representative of the Highlands Council shall be binding. No other source is authorized to give information regarding any explanation or interpretation of the RFP.



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October 7, 2024


Multiple Locations, Chester, NJ

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