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Published July 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wahoo, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Wahoo City Hall consists of approximately 5,500 sq. ft. shared between City Hall administration, Wahoo Utilities administrative staff and Wahoo City Council. Public areas with regular foot traffic need cleaning/disinfecting services twice a week. Less used areas are cleaned as needed. Due to security reasons, the section of the building used by the Wahoo Police Department is not included. The vehicle bays in the middle of the building are not included either. Cleaning must be done during hours when the public does not have access to the facility. Currently, the hours the facility is open to the public are: Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In addition, there are monthly evening meetings (approximately 3-4 per month) of boards held at City Hall and these must be scheduled around Twice a week cleaning activities include: Public and staff restroom facilities in City Hall (4) - cleaned (including mirrors, dispensers, fixtures, etc.) and disinfected, fill product bins as needed. This includes the public drinking fountain located along the wall between the two restrooms. Entrance/vestibule and lobby areas (both City/Utilities and Police public entrances) - entrance doors and side panel windows (inside and out) wiped and free of debris and streaks (see note on window cleaning under items not included below), rugs vacuumed, floors swept (mopped when necessary), and all door handles disinfected. Front desk area of City Hall - rugs vacuumed, floors swept (or mopped when necessary), counter tops disinfected, plexiglass wiped down and disinfected. Public seating areas and tables - wiped down (including Council Table and chairs directly around the table) Office areas vacuumed, floors swept, and all door handles disinfected. All trash emptied (trash dumpster is located on the southwest corner by the street) Weekly cleaning activities include: Mopping all tile floors Wiping/cleaning doors and jambs where grime can accumulate. Council Chambers - vacuum low traffic areas, wipe down/dust chairs and other items in area. Kitchen/Break area - vacuum Back stairs exit (NW Corner), front stairs (SE Corner) and basement exit area (SW Corner) - swept and mopped, if necessary, rugs vacuumed. Monthly cleaning activities: Dust ledges and under decorative items Dust picture frames on walls Sweep cobwebs out of corners Clean vents in bathrooms Wash windows inside the office (not exterior windows) Items not included: The City uses a professional window cleaning service twice a year for nearly all exterior windows (inside and out). The exceptions to this include the lobby/vestibule area and the internal office windows. The contractor is only responsible for the main lobby/vestibule entry doors and windows (both entries), and interior office windows. No other glass cleaning is required. City Hall staff are responsible for cleaning their own work surfaces (desks, computers, phones, etc.) City Hall staff are responsible for cleaning the kitchen area, coffee pot, refrigerator, and any dishes. Contractor will empty the trash in this area. The City of Wahoo is accepting bids for a one-year contract for cleaning services for City Hall, 605 N. Broadway, Wahoo, NE. Please call City Hall at 402-443-3222 for further questions.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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605 N Broadway St, Wahoo, NE

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