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Published July 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fitzgerald, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The Ben Hill County Commission is requesting qualifications and proposals for selection of an Architectural Firm to provide post-award services for its Governor's Office of Planning and Budget (GA OPB) American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Improving Neighborhood Outcomes In Disproportionately Impacted Communities (INODIC) Grant GA-0013787. Post-award services will include, but are not limited to, planning, design, cost estimating, bidding, contracting, construction oversight, quality control, and project closeout. Selection of an Architect for the project will be based on qualifications as they relate to community and economic development needs. All contracts are subject to Federal and State contract provisions prescribed by the GA OPB. No proposals will be accepted after this time and date. The Ben Hill County Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to waive informalities in the proposal process. Ben Hill County is committed to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. Ben Hill County is committed to providing all persons with equal access to its services, programs, activities, education and employment regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability or age. Selections will be based on qualifications, timeframes, and monies, as they relate to the following. However, your firm is encouraged to request the Statement of Qualifications form and the RFP scoring criterion. Scoring of RFP's will be as follows: Poor (1 point), Fair (2 points), Good (3 points), and Excellent (4 points). QUALIFICATIONS AND TIME FRAMES: 1. Years in Business in Present Form. 2. Firm's History and Resource Capability to Perform Required Services. 3. Firm's Knowledge of the Community. 4. Titles, Names, and Addresses of all Officers. 5. List categories in which firm is legally qualified to do business. Include Licenses and Registrations where applicable. 6. Does your firm carry Errors and Omissions Insurance 7. Will your firm be able to provide necessary documentation for the grant, including Cost Estimates, Preparation of Plans & Specs & Final Design, Surveying for Final Project, Bid Documents, Assistance in Bid Opening, Perform Bid Analysis, Management of Contractor Performance, Inspections, Preparation of Change Orders, and Approval of Contractor's Request for Payments, as well as Prepare and Submit All Documents to GA OPB. 8. Has your firm been selected previously to provide Architectural services for a Federal Grants program If "YES", give specific projects, including project name, location, owner, year, grant/total project amount, contact person(s), and nature of firm's responsibility. 9. What timeframe do you feel you will need to have final plans and specifications ready for approval by any and all applicable agencies Please provide this information in months, such as 3 months after Notice of Award to your firm, etc. 10. List key personnel (with qualifications) likely to be involved on this project and explain their specific role in the work. 11. List three (3) references for the Firm. COST: Please provide a specific cost estimate of what you will charge the County to provide Architecting services for this project from start to final close-out, to include but not limited to the following: Cost Estimates Preparation of Plans and Specs and Final Design Surveying, for final project Bid Documents Assistance in Bid Opening Perform Bid Analysis Management of Contractor Performance, Inspections, Preparation of Change Orders, and Approval of Contractor's Request for Payments Prepare and submit all required Reports and Documentation to GA OPB If you have any questions pertaining to this RFP, please call Lindsay Ray at (229) 333-5277, or email
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Service, Maintenance and Supply
Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.
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