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Renovation of a theater / auditorium in Waterford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a theater / auditorium.

Question Submission Deadline: October 3, 2024, 3:00pm Question Response Deadline: October 4, 2024, 3:00pm The Information Technology Department in the town of Waterford seeks installation, materials and proposals from qualified vendors to upgrade the Town's Auditorium Audio Equipment. The Town requires an upgrade that will enhance engagement and communication. The current Town meeting space is a large open multipurpose room used for both meeting and public events. This project will be managed by the Information Technology Department whose goal in the Town is to provide reliable, responsive, cost-effective and relevant technology services and counsel to all Town departments. The department's primary function is to plan, analayze, develop, operate and maintain computer-assisted systems to support the information processing requirements for the Town and is led by the Information Technology Director. Installation and expectations o Install all Furman power equipment in existing data rack. Install Furman remote switch in the meeting room area on the same shared wall with the AV equipment room (sheetrock with metal studs, hollow). o Remove existing ceiling speakers and speaker wire. There are eight 24v speakers and three loudspeakers mounted in the ceiling connected to two different amplifiers. The amplifiers do not need to be removed. o Install Crown Amplifier into existing data rack. Install JBL ceiling speakers using 70v speaker installation configuration in four zones. The ceiling in the meeting room is standard 4x2 acoustical ceiling tiles. (speaker zone diagram provided) o Install Midas M32C and DL-32 stagebox into existing data rack and connect them together. Connect outputs from the Midas equipment to the Crown Amplifier using NM1-6FPHX cables. o Install Shure ULXD4Q and antenna distribution system into the existing data rack and connect. Install two Shure U864US wide-band antennas on the side walls of the open meetings space area. Connect each ULXD4Q XLR output to the input connectors on the Midas equipment using NM1-6 cables. o Install the Shure fixed wired microphones on the meeting room furniture and connect them to the three 6 channel drop snakes. The Town of Waterford IT Department will install the three 6 channel drop snakes and connect them to the Midas equipment inputs 1-18 through our raised access flooring and meeting room furniture. o Install the wireless microphone charging bases on existing furniture in the AV room and ensure wireless microphones are charged. o Test and Configure Midas M32C to work with the Shure Microphones for input, the Crown amp and speakers for output, ensuring clarity of speech for proper audio lift and no feedback across zones. o Train Town of Waterford IT department on how to make adjustments to the system. o The Town of Waterford will require permits by a certified electrician for any wiring run through walls or ceilings. Any fees associated for these permits will be covered by the project and not an expense to the bidder. o Any equipment removed from the previous AV systems, outside of wiring, will be retained by the Town of Waterford IT Department. 25% of the work with DAS certified Small and Minority owned businesses and 25% of that work with DAS certified Minority, Women, and/or Disabled owned businesses.) The contractor must demonstrate good faith efforts to meet the 25% set-aside goals. For municipal public works contracts and quasi-public agency projects,


Theaters / Auditoriums


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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