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Published July 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Columbus, Ohio. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

As of July 5, 2024, design consultants and general contractors have been awarded. Awards were as follows: Consultant 24008 – Entry, Storefront & Windows Upgrades Package – Design Group 24009 – Fire Alarm Upgrades Package – IMEG Corp. 24010 – Playground Upgrades Package – Triad Architects 24011 – HVAC Improvements Package – M-Engineering General Contractor 24008 – Entry, Storefront & Windows Upgrades Package – Miles McClellan Construction Company 24009 – Fire Alarm Upgrades Package – Roberts Service group 24010 – Playground Upgrades Package – Penchura, LLC 24011 – HVAC Improvements Package – Miles McClellan Construction Company *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: Total Budget: $1.75 - $2.25M Estimated Construction Budget: $1.6 - $2.1M Anticipated Schedule: Contract Executed - 10/05/2023 LEDE Participation Goal: 20% LEDE subcontracting of the total contract award Columbus City Schools announces a Request for Qualifications for the following projects: 1. Entry, Storefront and Window Upgrades Package #24008: This project will consist of replacing entry doors, storefronts, and windows at multiple facilities across the district. The anticipated project budget is $1.75 - $2.25M. Project delivery model will be design-bid-build. a. Architect of Record: Proposing firms will be led by a licensed architect and will incorporate the architectural, electrical, and structural services required to complete the work. 2. Fire Alarm Upgrades Package #24009: This project will consist of the installation of new fire alarm systems at multiple facilities across the district. The anticipated project budget is $1.25 - $1.75M. Project delivery model will be design-bid-build. a. Engineer of Record: Proposing firms will be led by a licensed engineer and will incorporate the architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and structural services required to complete the work. 3. Playground Upgrades Package #24010: This project will consist of replacing existing and/or installation of new playground equipment, site accessories, and fencing at multiple facilities across the district. The district intends to direct procure the play equipment based on a district standard. The total anticipated project budget (including equipment) is $4.5 - $5.25M. Project delivery model will be design-bid-build (with Owner provided equipment). a. Architect or Landscape Architect of Record: Proposing firms will be led by a licensed architect or landscape architect and will incorporate the architectural and civil services required to complete the work. 4. HVAC Improvements Package #24011: This project will consist of various HVAC equipment upgrades/replacements, at multiple facilities across the district. Anticipated project budget is $6.5 - $8.5M. Project delivery model will be design-build. a. Criteria Engineer: Proposing firms will be led by a licensed engineer and will incorporate mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and architectural services required to complete the work. General questions can be directed to Alex Trevino, Director of Capital Improvements, at atrevino3260@columbus.k12.oh.us Project specific questions should be directed to the assigned project manager indicated for each project. Questions will be answered and posted CCS reserves the right to reject all proposals and cancel at any time for any reason this solicitation, any portion of this solicitation or any phase of the Project. CCS shall have no liability to any Proposer arising out of such cancellation or rejection. CCS reserves the right to waive minor variations in the selection process. CCS reserves the right to reject all proposals and cancel at any time for any reason this solicitation, any portion of this solicitation or any phase of the Project. CCS shall have no liability to any Proposer arising out of such cancellation or rejection. CCS reserves the right to waive minor variations in the selection process. Responding firms must submit a separate statement of qualifications for each project for which they wish to be considered *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 5, 2023


Multiple Locations, Columbus, OH

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