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Published October 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a mixed-use development in Claremont, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; for the demolition of a residential development; and residential development.

The City of Claremont is soliciting firm fixed price bids for the complete demolition of three structures located at 111 Main Street, 119 Main Street, and 150 Chestnut Street. Demolition will include but not be limited to the complete demolition, removal and disposal of wood frame structures, debris, interior walls, floors, contents, site debris and garbage and site restoration. Coordination and notifications of adjacent property owners will be required in addition to maintaining safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the vicinity of the work site. SCOPE OF WORK: Pre-demolition asbestos testing has been performed. Bidder will be required to apply for NHDES approval for abatement permit. The Contractor will include asbestos removal and disposal in the bid. Verify Utility disconnects Notify Dig Safe Site Equipment and dump containers Demolish and remove all above ground buildings, appurtenances, garbage and debris. Any and all building contents, if any, become the property of the contractor, with salvage value to be a consideration in the bid price. Contractor must have adequate on site dust control and erosion measures in place. Remove existing foundation to minimum two feet below grade. Fill (must be non-hazardous materials), grade, loam and seed all disturbed areas. Remove overgrowth on the parcel Maintain Protection of adjacent structures, utilities and properties Maintain Protection of vehicular traffic and pedestrians Contractor must ensure adequate access to adjacent properties Sewer and water connections for the two applicable properties: 111 Main St. Water line to be shut off at the curb and pipe cut near the curb. Sewer line should be cut and capped in the back outside of the foundation. Successful bidder should contact DPW before working and coordinate these activities with them. 119 Main St. Water line to be shut off at the curb and pipe cut near the curb. Sewer line should be cut and capped in the back outside of the foundation. Successful bidder should contact DPW before working and coordinate these activities with them. 150 Chestnut St. Water line to be shut off at the curb and pipe cut near the curb. Sewer line should be cut and capped in the back outside of the foundation. Successful bidder should contact DPW before working and coordinate these activities with them. Contractors will be responsible for all permits. The pre-demolition asbestos surveys for all three properties are attached. For questions or to request additional information call Leigh Hays at 603-504-0348 or lhays@claremontnh.com. The City Manager reserves the right to waive defects in form and minor irregularities and to reject any or all bids as determined to be in the best interest of the City. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder will be required to sign a Standard Form of Agreement, provide proof of insurance in amounts acceptable to the City and list the City as an additional insured on insurance certificates. All demolition activities shall comply with City, State and Federal laws, rules, regulations and ordinances.

Bid Results

Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Claremont, NH

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