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Published July 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Homer Glen, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project Background The Village of Homer Glen (Village) is soliciting proposals for as-need civil engineering services to support the Village's Staff. Proposals received from interested consultants and firms will be evaluated for the professional qualifications, experience, and competence deemed necessary for the satisfactory completion of proposed services or work. The Village may contract with multiple firms, if qualified, to provide the Village with the civil engineering services described in the Request for Proposals (RFP). The Village's objective with this RFP is to enter into one or more three (3) year on-call, as-needed contract(s) with consultants(s) or firm(s). Please review the RFP prior to submitting a proposal. Scope of Required Services The consultant will be expected to provide a full range of engineering services and accept project management responsibility at all levels. The selected civil engineering firm(s) will be required to prepare engineering studies, plans, specifications, design analyses, and construction cost estimates for a variety of projects. Construction management and oversight experience is also required. The tasks listed below are intended to describe the services to be provided by as-needed consultants. The services listed below are not all-inclusive, but rather represent those normally expected during the performance of the contract. Specifically, the selected consultants shall demonstrate capabilities in performing: 1. Review of engineering plans, specifications, calculations and other supporting documentation to verify compliance with current Village and Will County Code, Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction in Illinois and Standard Specifications for Water & Sewer Main Construction in Illinois. 2. Mapping, computer-aided drafting, and geographic information systems. 3. Preparation of exhibits, maps, diagrams and cost estimates. 4. Special studies for water/wastewater projects. Conduct feasibility studies, risk analysis, value engineering studies. 5. Construction engineering support services, including the review of contractor submittals, shop drawings, inspection reports, requests for information, change order requests and inspections & material testing. 6. Assistance with conducting preconstruction meetings/conference. 7. Survey, field staking, layout, on-site supervision of construction work, and preparing inspection reports. 8. Reviewing and approving all contractor requests for payment and submitting approved requests to the Village. 9. Review of engineering and/or architectural plans completed by other agencies and representation of the Village's interest with these other agencies. 10.Development of engineering plans, specifications, calculations and other supporting documentation for Village initiated projects. 11.Village Board, staff and resident advisory services, as needed. The Village will only accept proposals in bound hard copy format and does not accept proposals submitted via fax, email, or other electronic means.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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July 25, 2024


Multiple Locations, Homer Glen, IL

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