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Published July 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

MCW Maricor on behalf on the New Brunswick Research and Productivity Council (RPC) invites selected proponents to provide a proposal in response to this RFP: 1. The supply of two (2) new laboratory exhaust fan systems complete with heat recovery coil plenums and associated services (LEF-7 and LEF-4B). 2. The supply of one (1) new makeup air/exhaust unit MUA-1 for Building #3. This will be a separate price as per Bid Form. 3. The supply of new plastic exhaust fan system (LEF-4A). 4. Supply of commissioning, training, start-up and reporting services including closeout documentation. 5. Supply commissioning of the complete system and associated controls with the Owner's appointed Installation Contractor. 6. Participate in Seasonal Performance Commissioning/Testing and Verification with the Owner's Installation Contractor, the Engineer, and Owner's Commissioning Agent. 7. Provide shipping and delivery to designated locations in Fredericton. - Off-loading at each location to be by the Owner's appointed Installation Contractor. - Alternately, the delivery will be to a bonded storage facility in Fredericton. 8. Provide warranties as indicated. - Warranty to commence at turnover/acceptance. - Parts and labour warranty to be twenty four (24) months following start-up and written acceptance by the Engineer. - Extended warranty on other components per specifications. 9. Owner and Engineer will require a factory inspection of the physical units prior to shipping to site. All performance testing will occur on-site by the Manufacturer's Agent during start-up and Seasonal Performance Commissioning/Testing. 10. The Owner will assign the responsibility for the equipment to the future "Installation Trade Contractor" for coordination of delivery, assembly coordination and administration of training, warranty and all requirements of this RFP including commissioning.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Fredericton, NB

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