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Site work and paving for a civil project in Alturas, California. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Modify the existing alignment of the Parker Creek Road NFSR 31 (42N31) to improve its safety, efficiency, capacity, and alignment due to a washout that occurred from this winter's snow storms and water runoff that removed half of the current corridor layout. General intent is to reshape the failed slope and pull material uphill to create a more natural terrain, eliminate the old log landing and shift the road uphill (to the south). The required work will include construction, traffic management, and project management to coordinate all necessary parts of pre-design to post construction phases. SITE VISIT: The clauses at 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions, and 52.236-3, Site Investigations and Conditions Affecting the Work, will be included in any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation. Accordingly, offerors or quoters are urged and expected to inspect the site where the work will be performed. 3-days are being provided for the respective bidders to visit the project location Site is open to the public and available any time for visitors. PROJECT LOCATION: Parker Creek Road NFSR 42N31 (31 Road) ~ 1.5 miles to 1.7 miles from the intersection of County Road 56 and West Warner NFSR 5 (42N05). To get there take County Road 56 from Alturas approximately 5 miles due east until you get to the intersection of County Road 56 and West Warner NFSR 5 (42N05). Take a left onto Parker Creek Road NFSR 42N31 (31 Road) until you reach your destination where the road has been modified to a single lane roadway. Stockpile aggregate provide by the forest service is on Parker Creek Road NFSR 42N31 (31 Road) less than one mile to the west of the main project site. SPECIFIC WORK REQUIREMENT: Contractor shall provide all equipment, supplies, superintendence, materials, and labor necessary to complete the work in accordance with the specifications and drawings. Work shall be conducted in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects, FP-14 as supplemented by the attached Forest Service Supplemental Specifications, the attached drawings, and the FAR Clauses listed in the parent contract. Warning signs and temporary traffic control shall be provided and placed in accordance with MUTCD standards while work is in progress. PROSECUTION OF WORK: Construction activity shall be limited to the hours between 5:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless other hours are approved in writing by the CO. No work shall be conducted on federal holidays. The Contractor shall conduct activities so that interference with the public shall be kept at a minimum. Any activities requiring closure to the public shall be scheduled with the COR at least 7 days in advance. The Contractor shall use measures and precautions necessary to warn and protect the public and Government personnel during work at the project site. Such actions include, but are not limited to, furnishing and maintaining barricades and signs around the work site and roping off the area. COMMENCEMENT PROSECUTION, AND COMPLETION OF WORK (FAR 52.211-10) (APR 1984): The Contractor shall be required to (a) commence work under this contract within 10 calendar days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire work ready for use not later than 90 days. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Measurement and payment for all work done on this project shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highways Projects, FP-14, and the attached Supplemental Project Specifications. All invoices shall be processed through IPP. Contractor shall provide all equipment, supplies, superintendence, materials, and labor necessary to complete the work in accordance with the specifications and drawings. Work shall be conducted in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects, FP-14 as supplemented by the attached Forest Service Supplemental Specifications, the attached drawings, and the FAR Clauses listed in the parent contract. Warning signs and temporary traffic control shall be provided and placed in accordance with MUTCD standards while work is in progress. SUBMITTAL FORMAT: Submittals shall include the following unless otherwise required in the specification: 1. Date and revision dates. 2. Project name and contract number. 3. Name of Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and manufacturer. 4. Specification section number. 5. Field dimensions and relation to adjacent structures. 6. Applicable standards such as ASTM or Federal Specifications. 7. Contractor's stamp, initial or signature, certifying the review of the submittal, verification of field measurements and compliance with contract documents. 8. Provide all submittals within 14 calendar days of the contract award unless otherwise required by the specification. Submittals shall be sent to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Chris Bielecki via email: Joshua Kline via email: SAFETY: In addition to the hazards listed in the original contract, the following inherently hazardous conditions may exist on the job site: working under heavy equipment, working in fast running water. Contractor shall submit a job-specific safety plan that addresses, at a minimum, the hazards listed in the parent contract and the two additional hazards listed above. The safety plan shall be submitted no later than at the post-award meeting. POST AWARD CONFERENCE (AGAR 452.215-73) (NOV 1996): A post award conference with the successful offeror is required. The meeting will be scheduled within fourteen days after the date of contract award and held before work begins. The conference will be held electronically or by other agreed upon means. Contractor shall provide all equipment, supplies, superintendence, materials, and labor necessary to complete the work in accordance with the specifications and drawings. Work shall be conducted in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects, FP-14 as supplemented by the attached Forest Service Supplemental Specifications, the attached drawings, and the FAR Clauses listed in the parent contract. Warning signs and temporary traffic control shall be provided and placed in accordance with MUTCD standards while work is in progress SUBMISSION OF QUOTES: Submit offer by email to so that it is delivered into this inbox by the due date and time. Be aware that large attachments may increase the time required to deliver an email. It is the offerors responsibility to confirm receipt of the offer from G. Jeremy Staggs. 3) Address questions about this solicitation to _G. Jeremy Staggs_ at _George.Staggs@usda.gov_ by 1130 CDT 26JUL2023.
Roads / Highways
Public - Federal
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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To Be Determined, Alturas, CA
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