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Published August 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Valley City, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Any questions regarding this solicitation should be referred to the procurement officer (including problems opening attachments.) Questions Due: 08/01/2023 05:00 PM CT. The intent of this invitation to bid is to procure the services of a contractor who will independently set up lane closures and successfully repair high tension median cable guardrail in compliance with the manufacturers requirements along I-94 and I-29 for the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT). The high-tension median cable guardrail systems in place are manufactured by Brifen USA Inc. and Gibraltar Global. All Subcontractors performing work under the Contract are required to maintain the same scope of insurance required of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be held responsible for ensuring compliance with those requirements by all Subcontractors. Buyer: Jamie Bostyan Telephone Number: 701.328.2571 Email: jtbostyan@nd.gov The intent of this invitation to bid is to procure the services of a contractor who will independently set up lane closures and successfully repair high tension median cable guardrail in compliance with the manufacturer's requirements along I-94 and I-29 for the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT). The high-tension median cable guardrail systems in place are manufactured by Brifen USA Inc. and Gibraltar Global. The current locations for high tension median cable guardrail repair are located within the Valley City and Fargo Districts. NDDOT performed an inspection, located the damaged segments, and created summaries of the damaged segments separated by District, Fargo and Valley City. Fargo District's summary of damaged segments are separated by manufacturer in Attachment 1, Fargo District Brifen Segments and Attachment 2, Fargo District Gibraltar Segments. Valley City District's summary of damaged segments includes both manufacturers and is provided in Attachment 3, Valley City District Segments. The work listed in the Attachments for both Districts must be completed by October 15, 2023. In the Bid Response below, NDDOT requests bidders to provide a total cost response for the entirety of each District's repairs noted in Attachments 1, 2, and 3. Bidders are instructed to review each Attachment and are welcome to perform an inspection of their own to provide a total cost response for each District's repairs. Bidders are to use the inventories when developing their bid response for each District's repairs as listed in Attachment 4, Fargo Inventory List, and 5, Valley City Inventory List. Inventory required beyond what is listed in each District shall be provided by the contractor and reflected in the bidder's response. Bid responses shall include the following charges for, but not be limited to, mobilization, per diem, lodging, travel, mileage, traffic control, and hardware.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work




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August 16, 2023

September 18, 2023


Multiple Locations, Valley City, ND

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