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Published September 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Monmouth Beach, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

**As of September 26, 2023, Project has been awarded. Award amount is $452,616.37** Contract 210 EMERGENCY REPAIRS is described as sanitary sewer repair work (gravity and force mains), new sanitary sewer installation, installation of new house service connections, and repairs to existing house service connections in the Boroughs of Monmouth Beach, Oceanport, West Long Branch, Shrewsbury, Little Silver and Fair Haven, Monmouth County, New Jersey. Also included are repairs to utility systems (for example potable and non-potable water mains, sewer (gravity and force) mains at the Treatment Plant located in Monmouth Beach, New Jersey. The contractor may also be requested to supply labor and equipment to assist the Authority in other work at the Plant, or Pump Stations throughout the collection system. The Authority reserves the right to bid non-emergency additional work if it is in the best interest of the Authority Any prospective bidder who wishes to challenge a bid specification shall file such challenges in writing with the contracting agent no less than three business days prior to the opening of the bids. Question Deadline 08/08/2023 The Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Provide all road-closing devices and comply with all requirements of the project and local road closing permits. 2. Perform soil erosion and sediment control, restoration work and clean up as shown, specified, or required. 3. Provide all work relating to the application and rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer facilities. 4. Comply with all Safety, Health and Emergency Response requirements in accordance with Section 01040. 5. Disposal of all excess materials in a lawful manner. 6. Furnish all certificates, bonds, and insurance as specified and all permits, except those specified as being obtained by the Owner, as may be required to complete the work. 7. Perform all pumping as necessary. 8. Perform all other work as may be necessary to complete the work of this contract.


Water / Sewer


Public - County


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Monmouth Beach, NJ

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