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Published July 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hastings, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Dakota County is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide construction testing and inspection services for the Law Enforcement Center Integrative Health Unit addition in Hastings. Submit questions and proposals to: Trish Bremer, Sr. Project Manager Dakota County Administration Center Capital Projects Management Suite 2600 1590 West Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Email: trish.bremer@co.dakota.mn.us General Purpose and Proposal Guidelines 1. Purpose: Dakota County is seeking proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide construction testing and inspection services associated with the construction of the Law Enforcement Center Integrative Health Unit Addition, located in Hastings, MN. Anticipated professional services include: o Laboratory Testing Agent o Field Testing/Site Inspections Agent o Geotechnical, Engineering & Evaluation Experts Written Questions Due to Project Manager 08-02-23 by 3:00 pm Questions Answered/RFP Addendum Issued 08-04-23 Scope of Services to be Provided 1. All communication with the County will go through the County's Project Manager. 2. All services provided shall conform to current national best practices and shall follow the most current version of the standards referenced at the time of the request. Generally, the bid documents will indicate the performance criteria and/or standard for measurement against - this includes absolute capacities set forth by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER), a licensed Minnesota PE with the design consultant. 3. Unless explicitly specified otherwise, all related services shall conform to the current State of Minnesota adopted version of the International Building Code (IBC), Section 1705. 4. All related services shall be provided by qualified staff meeting certification, experience or supervision requirements listed in the technical specification sections. 5. Services as outlined within the project include two categories of testing and inspections: a) Structural Testing and Special Inspections as required by code, as identified on the Testing and Special Inspection Program Summary Schedule included at the end of the 01 45 33 - Structural Testing and Special Inspections specification section in Attachment P. b) Conventional Testing and Inspections which include those items not specifically required by code but considered essential to the proper performance of the building systems. These tests and inspections are identified in Part 3 of the following technical specification sections. Note additional tests and inspections may be required by the Owner that are not listed here. i. 04 20 00 - Non-Bearing Unit Masonry ii. 04 42 00 - Exterior Stone Cladding iii. 07 25 00 - Weather Barriers iv. 07 53 00 - EPDM Membrane Roofing v. 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants vi. 08 44 13 - Aluminum Storefront, Entrances and Curtain Walls vii. 08 56 00 - Stainless Steel-Aluminum Detention Windows 6. All services rendered shall be provided with a follow-up report of findings provided to the Owner, Contractor, design consultant and any others that need to be informed including, but not limited to, Code Officials or Building Inspectors. 7. In addition to the above services, this consultant will coordinate and/or meet with the project team as often as needed on site to complete the work. 8. Ownership of all reports and work prepared, including those in electronic form, shall be conveyed to the County upon completion or termination of the project. Specific Deliverables 1. Testing and inspections during construction as outlined above. 2. All reports issued shall follow standard industry practices for formatting/content.


Fire / Police

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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August 12, 2024


1580 Hwy 55, Hastings, MN

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