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Published August 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Northville, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

The Board of Education of Northville Public Schools is accepting firm prime contractor trade specific bids for all labor, materials, equipment and all other services to complete the stadium bleacher replacement and paving work at the Northville Public Schools. Plans and specifications may be obtained electronically and are available for review at the office of AUCH Construction, 65 University Dr., Pontiac, MI 48342 on or after July 25 th , 2023. The bidding documents consist of plans and specifications as prepared by Foresite Design Bids will be accepted via Building Connected (electronic bid submission). Hard copy sealed bids will be accepted, however, we strongly encourage using Building Connected submission process. Please upload the appropriate proposal forms provide by the construction manager in the submission. If hard copy bids are delivered they must be sealed bid on the forms provided. An envelope must show your company name, project name and category of work. Any late bids will not be considered. Bids over the State threshold of $28,048 must be accompanied with either a certified cashier's check or a U.S. treasury listed security bond in the amount of 5% of the bid amount. Include this in the submission. Bids received without this guaranty will not be read or considered. Electronic scans of the cashier's checks are not accepted. All cashier's checks must be delivered prior to the due date and time. Cashier's Checks will be returned to the bidder upon execution of the contract. All proposals shall be firm for a period of ninety (90) days. All contracts to be entered into by the Northville Public Schools must and will comply with the equal opportunity laws of the State of Michigan. All bidders must provide familial disclosure in compliance with MCL 380.1267 and attach this information to the bid proposal. The bid proposal will be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the owner or any employee of the bidder and any member of the Northville Public Schools, Board of Education or the Northville Public Schools, Superintendent. The District will not accept a bid proposal that does not include this form. Successful bidders whose proposal of $50,000 or more will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of their bid. The cost of this bond shall be included in each proposal. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, either in whole or in part; to award contract to other than the low bidder; to waive any irregularities and/or informalities; and in general to make awards in any manner deemed to be in the best interests of the owner.


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - City


Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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August 31, 2023

October 2, 2023


405 W Main St, Northville, MI

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