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Published July 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Houston, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Fire Protection Equipment and Systems Including Fire Hydrants, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Smoke Detectors, Jaws of Life, Fire Protection Material Treatment, Firestop and Fire Barriers, etc. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 2165.001, Custodianship of State Property, and Section 2156.121, Use of Competitive Sealed Proposals, the Texas Facilities Commission is requesting responses to this Request for Proposal for a contractor to provide inspections, service, and repairs of all Life Safety systems in various facilities managed by the Texas Facilities Commission located statewide. TFC anticipates award to multiple vendors from this solicitation, one vendor for each location. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials and equipment to provide inspections, service, and repairs of all life safety systems to the following TFC-owned buildings: 1) Elias Ramirez Building (ERB), 5425 Polk Ave., Houston, TX 77011 2) El Paso State Office Building (ELP), 401 East Franklin, El Paso, TX 79901 3) Fort Worth State Office Building (FTW), 1501 Circle Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76119., and 4) Waco State Office Building (WAC), 801 Austin Ave., Waco, TX 76701 Life Safety System shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Fire alarm inspection and service 2) Fire sprinkler inspection and service 3) Fire backflow inspections and service 4) Fire alarm monitoring and service 5) Damper inspections and service 6) Kitchen hood inspections and cleaning and service 7) Fire Extinguisher maintenance and service 8) Fire hydrant inspection and service 9) Fire pump inspection and service Required Licenses and Certifications. 1) Contractor shall possess the following licenses: a) A Fire Extinguisher License (FEL) b) A Fire Alarm License (FAL) i. Fire Alarm License (FAL), National Institute of Certifying Engineering Technologies (NICET) Level 2 for all Fire alarm system annual inspections and service, repairs, etc. 2) Contractor shall possess a Responsible managing employee (inspection) (REM-I) for the following certifications: a) Backflow certification b) Fire Hydrant certification (required for all sprinkler and Dry systems, Pre-Action, fire pumps systems,) c) Fire extinguisher Class A (FEL-A) certification d) Fire Alarm or Fire Suppression Nicet Level 2 certifications i. Class A and Nicet Level 2 certifications will be required for clean agent system, kitchen hood systems, and all other suppression systems. Contractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years' experience inspecting and testing all systems listed above for State compliance. Deadline for Submission of Questions July 19, 2023, 12:00 Noon



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Multiple Locations, Houston, TX

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Inspection, Service and Repairs of Life Safety Systems to TFC Buildings Statewide

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