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Published September 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Baltimore, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

BUILDING-a new, prefab or custom designed building approximately at 400-600 sq ft with one large processing/ teaching kitchen and two bathrooms. The building entrance must include a screened in porch to create a two part entryway which prevents bees from entering the building, as well as lockable doors and windows. KITCHEN-The kitchen should include room for refrigeration, counter space for honey processing and bottling equipment, a triple sink and hand washing station, large central teaching counter/counters, and meet all Baltimore City Health and Fire Department requirements. BATHROOMS-Two bathrooms including at minimum, one ADA compliant bathroom, should be included. Ideally one bathroom is accessed from the outside, and one from the inside of the building. The internal bathroom should include a janitors closet and mop station/floor sink. BASE Concrete Slab on grade is preferred. ADA ACCESS- a new sidewalk, and ramp are included in the scope of work to ensure access to the workshop/ kitchen. One bathroom and one counter space should also be ADA accessible. About Filbert Street Garden (FSG) and Greater Baybrook Alliance (GBA): Founded in 2007, Filbert Street Garden is a notable urban farm and non-profit, serving as a community anchor in the Curs Bay neighborhood of South Balmore City. The nearly 30,000 sq foot farm boasts one of the largest urban bee colonies in the state of Maryland, and is home to chickens, a variety of waterfowl, as well as sheeps and goats. The farm also houses a community composng facility, and plots for urban agriculture. By adding a new processing kitchen and ADA bathrooms, the garden can expand their programming and posive community impact. Greater Baybrook Alliance (GBA) is a cross jurisdiconal non-profit community development organizaon represenng the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Curs Bay in Balmore City, and Brooklyn Park in Anne Arundel County. The Greater Baybrook Vision and Acon Plan (2016) serves as GBAs revitalizaon road map for community development projects, and priorizes environmental improvements and sustainable pracce as key strategies to improve resident quality of life. GBA staff have over 20 years of experience managing construcon projects and programs across several jurisdicons and seek an experienced design build company to develop this project. Deadline for Questions: August 7, 2023 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Filbert Street Garden, located at 1321 Filbert Street, Baltimore, MD seeks a design build contractor to develop their new Processing Kitchen and Public Bathroom Facility. The budget is $300,000- $350,000




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September 1, 2023

September 25, 2023


1321 Filbert St, Baltimore, MD

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