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Saving Project...

Published September 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Essexville, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Reference Number 0000326265 The Bay County Buildings and Grounds Department is re-milling and resurfacing the Bay County Juvenile Home parking lot at 520 W. Hampton Rd, Essexville MI 48732. Delivery Point 515 Center Ave. Suite 701 Bay City, Michigan United States 48708 Question Acceptance Deadline 08/11/2023 05:00 PM EDT Questions are submitted online All questions about this IFB must be received writing, via email, to:Jessica Foss Assistant Purchasing Agent Purchasing@baycounty.net 1. Grade all areas disturbed by milling process. 2. Saw cut out bad sections of asphalt at both entrances to parking lot off Hampton Road. 3. Place 3" HMA 13-A leveling course in the excavating areas removed. 4. Mini mill along all concrete abutments, any catch basins, and curbs to create butt joints. 5. Apply SS- 1H tack coat over entire parking lot. 6. Install 1 1/2" hot mix asphalt HMA 36 - A top course over the entire parking lot. 7. Provide approximately 24,000 sq ft of cold milling of all paved surfaces to a depth of 1 1/2" of the existing asphalt. 8. Restripe the parking lot. 9. Remove all millings and take them to the Bay County Fair Grounds at 800 Livingston Street Bay City MI, 48708. 10. Lot Size: a. Lot 1 - 7700 sq ft. b. Lot 2 - 7808 sq ft. 11. Driveways: a. 1 - 3700 sq ft. b. 2 - 2461 sq ft. c. 3 - 2288 sq ft o Grade all areas disturbed by milling process. o Saw cut out bad sections of asphalt at both entrances to parking lot off Hampton Road. o Place 3" HMA 13-A leveling course in the excavating areas removed. o Mini mill along all concrete abutments, any catch basins, and curbs to create butt joints. o Apply SS-1H tack coat over entire parking lot. o In stall 11/2" hot mix asphalt HMA 36 A top course over the entire parking lot. o Provide approximately 24,000 sq ft of cold milling of all paved surfaces to a depth of 11/2" of the existing asphalt. o Restripe parking lot. o Remove millings to Bay County Fairgrounds, 800 Livingston St., Bay City, MI 48708


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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September 8, 2023

October 9, 2023


520 W Hampton Rd, Essexville, MI

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