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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: NEW Single Award Task Order Contract TITLE: Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC) for Multi-Disciplinary Maintenance, Repair, Minor Construction, and Incidental Design Work in Support of JBLM Public Works and Other Customers Supported by the Seattle District US Army Corps of Engineers DESCRIPTION: This is a Request for Information (RFI) conducted as part of Market Research to assist the Seattle District, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in developing the acquisition strategy for a possible upcoming Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC) for Multi-Disciplinary Maintenance, Repair, Minor Construction, and Incidental Design Work in Support of JBLM Public Works and Other customers Supported by the Seattle District US Army Corps of Engineers. THIS IS NOT A PRE-SOLICITATION OR SOLICITATION ANNOUNCEMENT. After review of the responses to this notice, and if the Government still plans to proceed with the acquisition, a separate pre-solicitation announcement will be published on the Contract Opportunities website ( Responses to this Request for Information/Market Research Study are not adequate responses to any future solicitation announcement. The USACE will not be responsible for any costs incurred by interested parties in responding to this notice. The purpose of this notice is to request information from industry professionals on preferred methodology to allocate pay to managerial personnel, to include the Superintendent, Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO), Project Manager, and Quality Control Manager (QCM). It is anticipated the labor rates for these administrative/managerial positions will be set under the base contract and will be applied to all task orders issued during the ordering period. The Government is attempting to create a Daily Direct Management Rate (DDMR) for the previously mentioned key personnel that is efficient and fair for both the Government and Contractor. Since not all four disciplines would be present and participating in task order work during the entire period of performance, the Government is developing a single rate which would encompass hours/days, on average, performed by key management personnel. The Government is asking for your assistance with creating a fair rate. EXAMPLE CALCULATION POSITION HOURLY WAGE PERCENTAGE HOURLY DIRECT MGMT RATE (Fully Burdened) (Days of Direct Work/POP) Superintendent $150.00 50% $75.00 SSHO $150.00 60% $90.00 QCM $150.00 70% $105.00 Project Manager $150.00 80% $120.00 Total $600.00 $390.00 Wage (1 day, 8 hrs) $4,800.00 $3,120.00 During a standard task order period of performance, time is allotted at the beginning of the project for such tasks as scheduling, coordination meetings, and preparing submittals. Additionally, time is left at the end of the project for such tasks as site clean-up, inspections, and final submittals. Therefore, it is anticipated, that not all of the four management personnel will be working directly on a task order for the entire period of performance. The "Percentage" column of the above table is designed to represent the total amount of time, on average, key personnel will spend providing direct labor for any given task order. In the above scenario, it is assumed the Superintendent will spend 50% of the entire period of performance working directly on a project (number of days providing direct work divided by the entire period of performance). The table above illustrates, on average, a Superintendent would work 50% of the entire period of performance providing direct labor for a given project. A representative percentage would be applied to the remaining three key personnel in the same manner to arrive at a total Daily Direct Management Rate of $3,120.00, which could be applied to all task orders and any modifications issued under the base contract. For instance, for a task order issued with a 180-day period of performance, the DDMR of $3,120.00 would be multiplied by the POP of 180 to arrive at a total amount of $561,600.00 for all management personnel for the duration of the task order project. All numbers in the example and table above are for informational purposes only. The Government requests industry feedback to determine if this method of calculating pay for key personnel seems fair, equitable, and efficient for both the Contractor and Government. If so, input would be greatly appreciated to determine realistic amounts of time, on average, each of the four key personnel generally provide direct labor towards construction projects. Other than the pricing strategy mentioned above, the Government is seeking information from Contractors on other alternate streamlined pricing approaches for multiple SATOC Task Orders, specific to consistent elements of a Task Order (i.e. the Superintendent, SSHO, Project Manager, and QCM). The information garnered from this RFI is for acquisition strategy information only and does not bind the Government to this strategy. The Government seeks additional input for proper implementation of an Indirect Cost Factor to be utilized on all task orders issued under the base SATOC. The intent of the Indirect Cost Factor (ICF) is to encompass all costs other than direct labor, direct equipment, direct materials, and direct subcontract costs required to complete the specific elements of work described in the task order documents. This one ICF would be a rate applied to all task orders issued during a given year and location. Examples of such costs include: Home Office Over Head (HOOH) costs; General and Administrative (G&A) costs; all state business taxes including business and occupation tax; all insurance costs including builders risk insurance; bond premiums including subcontractor bond; and various overhead expenses such as project estimating, site office overhead, field office buildings, furniture and equipment, on-site office staff salaries, management staff passenger vehicle costs (including maintenance and fuel), and office administrative expenses. The Contractor's ICF shall also include all insurance, paperwork fees associated with a particular Task Order (i.e. digging, environmental or PSCAA permits, estimates, reports, etc.) The areas to be covered under this SATOC are primarily Western Washington (Joint Base Lewis-McChord), with additional work possible in Eastern Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. Let us know if one ICF for all locations is sufficient or if you believe a separate ICF should be utilized based on project location. Also, the intent is to cover the majority of travel expenses under the ICF. Please provide input as to which travel expenses, if any, should NOT be included in the ICF. ANTICIPATED CONTRACT INFORMATION: The Seattle District expects to solicit a SATOC Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) type contract that likely will include a two-year base period with the option to extend for a one-year option period, with a maximum dollar capacity of $45,000,000. Individual Task Orders to be negotiated and awarded under this expected construction IDIQ contract will be firm-fixed price with an anticipated range of $250,000 to $2,000,000. Task Orders will involve a broad range of multi-disciplinary maintenance and repair, and minor construction work and may include a variety of trades such as carpentry, road repair, roofing, excavation, interior/exterior elements, mechanical, electrical, steam welding, asbestos, and lead paint abatement incidental to construction. The contract may also be used for task orders expected to require some incidental design effort by the Contractor. Examples of typical incidental designs include, but are not limited to, fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler systems, HVAC system installation and balancing, communications systems, structural design of minor facilities or components and licensed professional engineer certification of site adaptation of pre-engineered structures. Projects may be located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana with the majority of projects located at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington and Yakima Training Center. This expected construction contract is anticipated to be competitively solicited and procured in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15. SUBMISSION DUE DATE/TIME: Responses to this Request for Information / Market Research Study should be received as soon as possible but no later than 2:00 pm (Pacific Daylight Time) on Thursday, 9 May 2024. Please forward responses to the attention of Dwain Graham, Contract Specialist, by email to The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time




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November 11, 2024


1010, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433, United States, Tacoma, WA

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