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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in McKinley Township, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

MnDOT requests responses for pre-scoping pedestrian bridges in Metro District to make them ‘shelf-ready’. MnDOT Metro District has identified pedestrian bridges that are non-ADA compliant and need rehabilitation or rehab. MnDOT conducted an analysis of these bridges and identified those that are complex due to their surrounding context. Pedestrian bridges with the highest score hold the most risk to the agency. The priority bridges will need extra time, project delivery services and resources to deliver. The bridges in this analysis cross a trunk highway and are not listed in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Priority should be given to these difficult and expensive bridge structures, so they are not deferred into the later years of MnDOT’s program. The purpose of this contract is to identify scoping needs, challenges, and opportunities for each bridge and to prepare them to be shelf-ready. Scoping challenges include Right of Way (ROW), surrounding land use, etc. This contract does not include bridge design except for conceptual drafts or implementation The purpose of this project is to identify early challenges with a selection of pedestrian bridges including ROW needs, hydraulics, and planning consideration. The outcome of this project will include an analysis of select pedestrian bridges in MnDOT ROW. The analysis will document challenges and opportunities for making bridges self-ready and an approach for larger scoping efforts. In order to submit a letter of interest, responders must be pre-qualified at the time this announcement is made available, in the work type(s) identified above. This project has its own “Official Pre-Qualified Consultant List” that indicates the responders that are eligible to submit for this specific project, which has been posted separately from this announcement. Note: If responders are not pre-qualified for all work types needed for a project, they must make arrangements to subcontract with firms that are pre-qualified for those work types. If applicable, the responder must identify, in the letter of interest, their subcontractor and which work type the subcontractor will be completing. The purpose of this section is for responders to confirm that they, and (if applicable) their subcontractor(s) are pre-qualified in the required work type(s) MnDOT anticipates posting answers to all questions received by 2:00PM Central Daylight Time on 08/10/2023. MNDOT: RFP - Metro Pedestrian Bridge Shelf Project Evaluation


Bridges / Tunnels

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 22, 2024


Multiple Locations, McKinley Township, MN

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