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Published September 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Dallas, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of September 26, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established. The Paulding County School District is requesting proposals from licensed and qualified Vendors to provide an enterprise-level secure door access control solution. Paulding County School District (PCSD) is requesting proposals from licensed and qualified Vendors to provide an enterprise-level secure door access control solution. Proposals should be in accordance with the specifications outlined in this proposal package with the primary intent of the solution to provide secure door access with identity badge readers, door hardware for access control managed securing and opening, and video and audio access control modules for visitor entrances. Desired solutions will include integration with video surveillance systems and intercom systems for automated/scheduled door locking with intercom bell schedules as well as intruder detection features. The awarded Vendor will be responsible for providing all labor including installation, equipment and materials, complete solution, training, and support necessary to provide the scope of work per requirements and specifications included in this RFP. The Paulding County School District is comprised of 40 sites, with 35 of the sites serving as schools for our 31,500 students. To enhance the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors, PCSD is seeking to implement an access control solution for 19 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 5 high schools, 1 alternative school, and up to 5 administrative buildings over multiple years. PCSD is seeking to implement an access control solution over a multi-year period as funding is made available and will combine some implementation work with site renovation and construction projects. Some, but not all, PCSD doors are currently outfitted with door hardware and power required for an access control solution. Scope of Work Currently, the district has the following safety/security solutions and equipment. 2.1.1 ACTI video surveillance system throughout the district; includes Q950 model cameras at some exterior doors with some utilized as the camera for visitor check-in at schools. 2.1.2 Aiphone intercom system model LEM-1DL as the intercom, audio, and lock-release initiator for visitor check-in at schools. 2.1.3 Intercom systems at school sites include: Galaxy ThreeSixty, Rauland Telecenter 2100, Rauland Telecenter Campus U, and Rauland Telecenter ICS. 2.1.4 Honeywell NetAxs access control system at two administrative sites. 2.1.5 Premisys Identicard staff badge system PCSD Doors - Exterior and interior doors are equipped with a range from none to all (including partial) required door hardware and power to accommodate access control door controls/badge readers and cameras. See proposal requirements and pricing sections list for each door type and components




Public - County


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Multiple Locations, Dallas, GA

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