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Published October 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Durham, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

USNH, representing University of New Hampshire (UNH) FPM, is requesting proposals for Design and Construction Administration Services for the Replacement of Building-wide HVAC Systems in Morse Hall. Question Submission Close Date 8/28/2023 12:00 PM EDT. Statements of qualifications due 08/11/2023 at 12:00 p.m. Response to questions by 08/31/2023 Award announcement Week of 09/19/2023 The selected team, under the direction of a designated owner design manager will develop Owner's requirements to solicit and assist in the selection of a construction manager that will team with the design firm to provide preconstruction services for the design and execution of the work. Provide mechanical and architectural program in conformance with the campus standards Provide pre-design, design and construction administration services as delineated in the USNH Standard Form of Agreement for Professional Planning and Design Services and all related appendices. Provide individuals whose work experience is directly related to buildings and programs of this type. Provide truly integrated architectural and engineering design services to develop a non-proprietary, HVAC and BAS systems that are as efficient and simple to maintain/operate as possible. Architectural design is to provide spaces that are efficient and easy to maintain. When required by the project/scope of work, the design team is expected to use energy modeling and other contemporary tools throughout the design process. Provide all documentation required for State of New Hampshire permits. The owner is accountable to state authority (ies) and is exempt from local authority. Ensure that the design stays within the construction budget, working with owner representatives to identify cost efficiencies and bid alternates that do not compromise the long-term functionality of the building. Incorporate owner construction standards into all specifications. Provide illustrations and working models (computer or physical) that clearly communicate the design character and elements at both the schematic and design development levels. Prepare at the end of construction a set of record drawings from construction drawings marked up by the general contractor and their subcontractors. Sealed Bid Open Date 8/11/2023 12:00 PM EDT




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September 14, 2023

October 16, 2023


8 College Road, Durham, NH

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