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Published October 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

New construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Kissimmee, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and for the construction of a 100,000-square-foot educational facility.

The construction management firm will be responsible for the successful, timely, and economical completion of the Project. The construction management firms services may include, but are not limited to the following 1. Enter an At Risk contract with all sub-contractors, materials suppliers and equipment suppliers necessary for the construction of the project. 2. Employ competent Project Managers, Project Superintendents, and necessary assistants to be the Construction Managers representatives, and who shall be in attendance at the project site full time during the progress of the Work. 3. New buildings will be constructed to meet the High-Performance Building Criteria to achieve an Energy Use Intensity (EUI) requirement of 25 or less and a building envelop Air Leakage (infiltration and exfiltration) maximum of 0.20 CFM/SF. 4. Provide preconstruction services as directed by the Owners Project Representative during the design phases of the work, and provide cost estimating, schedule development, timely document review, existing infrastructure evaluation expertise, permit request and administration, and other related administrative items necessary to ensure the timely delivery of the project. 5. Work with the project team and use the Owners Project Management Solution, eBuilder to manage the construction processes for the project. All project communication is to be managed in e-Builder. At no cost to the district, the project team will be required to attend group or individual training sessions scheduled by the Owners Project Representative. Construction Manager at Risk for the Osceola County School for the Arts Comprehensive Renovation Project . Piggyback Solicitation No Insurance Required No Bid Bond Required No Performance Bond Required No This document shall serve to provide interested parties with specific information as to the Procedures for Selection of a Construction Management Firm where the method of compensation is a Negotiated Fee on a Guaranteed Maximum Price. Pursuant to Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes, the Florida Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act, Section 287.055 Florida Statutes, and Rule 6A-2.0010, Florida Administrative Code, the School District of Osceola County, Florida will consider the contracting of one (1) firm to provide construction management services for the project described below. In determining whether a firm is qualified, the School District of Osceola County, Florida shall consider such factors as supporting office location(s), experience and past performance, proposed project staff and functions, project approach, workload, scheduling methodology, and references. The proposed comprehensive renovation will be for the existing OCSA school campus. This renovation will accommodate a total of 1250 student stations, for a combination of grades 6-12. The basis of the design will be incorporating a new student building to replace the existing concrete portables, a complete program verification, and an extensive renovation scope assessment. The student building will accommodate the required program components of OCSA, allowing for approximately 100,000 GSF of new construction. The building will be designed with a high-performance envelope detailing, to achieve the minimum Energy Utilization Index (EUI) as possible and 0.20 cfm (cubic foot per minute) air infiltration per envelope square footage. The new construction will not require a small mock-up structure (PE storage building) to facilitate high-performance testing but will require complete Envelope commissioning to meet the intended design criteria. Within the design schedule, the selected Construction Management Firm will be required to work alongside the selected Architectural Firm during the comprehensive evaluation of the existing infrastructure, to generate a detailed scope review for construction estimating. This allows for the identification of components requiring renovation apart from complete replacement (i.e., the HVAC system, roofing, site improvements, campus auditorium, cafeteria area, and equipment). In developing a detailed scope review for construction, we the District will determine from the assessment, which components have met their life cycle, justifying the means for complete replacement. These items will be placed in a hierarchy for the comprehensive renovation with respect to budget estimates. The renovation will take place with a phased approach to minimize disruption of operations during normal school hours. To accommodate students, it is required to have the installation of temporary modular classrooms located west of the school site, adjacent to the fields and within the existing track. These modular classroom rentals are to be supplied by a modular unit manufacturer. An SDOC continuing service Contractor will install all pedestrian access and required utility connections. The removal of existing concrete portables will commence upon installation of the temporary classrooms. Due to project phasing, the selected SDOC continuing service Contractor will relocate the existing portables to locations designated by SDOC. The new student building, once complete, will temporarily accommodate the current administration giving way to the comprehensive renovation of the existing administration suite. Construction of the new campus building will incorporate program elements such as but not limited to classrooms, multipurpose spaces for performing arts, an additional or extended cafeteria, a Campus courtyard, an additional Administration suite, and added parking adjacent to the new structure. Our school site ingress is located at the signal controlling traffic flow North/South on North Orange Blossom Trail and East/West Centerview Boulevard, to the school entrance road. The design will maintain this point of access (due to the traffic signal) for student drop-off/pickup, student parking, and staff/visitors parking lot(s). School Bus ingress/egress will relocate to the rear access road at the Northeast site entrance. This connects the new bus loop to Healthy Way Road, which is not a part of the comprehensive renovation. Buses will loop on-site near the existing student drop-off and exit from the same entry point. This allows for the reduction of offsite vehicular congestion. In addition to onsite circulation, a minimum of 1 parking space per faculty member, accessible by a designated lane is required as well as a minimum of 1 space for every 10 students in the 11th and 12th grades, accessible by separate onsite ingress and exit lanes. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS / HIGH PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 1. Integrate learning, design, sustainable design, and environmental stewardship so that it supports and enhances student learning and student success. 2. Deliver a design that achieves Energy Efficiency Building Criteria. 3. Meet these measurable High-Performance Criteria: a) Minimum Energy Use Intensity (EUI) as possible to meet energy efficiency. b) Overall minimum insulation R-values: 30-roof, 25-wall, 10-under-slab. c) Thermally broken windows with insulated glass. d) Glazing percentage: 35-40%. e) Airtightness: 0.20 cfm/sf or less per ASTM E779 and E1827. f) Lighting System: primarily LED. g) Comprehensive Building Automation System h) Provide building systems that are durable, forthright to operate/control, and are easily maintained. i) Consider Indoor Air Quality, Thermal/Acoustic/Visual Comfort, and Universal Design standards beyond the minimum required by building code. Construction Start: September 2024 Substantial Completion: March 2026 Final Completion: May 2026 The Orientation Site Visit will be scheduled with the firms that are Short Listed. The date of the site visit will be scheduled at the time the Short List is prepared for presentation to the School Board. The construction management firm will be responsible for the successful, timely, and economical completion of the Project. The construction management firm's services may include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Enter an "At Risk" contract with all sub-contractors, materials suppliers and equipment suppliers necessary for the construction of the project. 2. Employ competent Project Managers, Project Superintendents, and necessary assistants to be the Construction Manager's representatives, and who shall be in attendance at the project site full time during the progress of the Work. 3. New buildings will be constructed to meet the High-Performance Building Criteria to achieve an Energy Use Intensity (EUI) requirement of 25 or less and a building envelop Air Leakage (infiltration and exfiltration) maximum of 0.20 CFM/SF. 4. Provide preconstruction services as directed by the Owner's Project Representative during the design phases of the work, and provide cost estimating, schedule development, timely document review, existing infrastructure evaluation expertise, permit request and administration, and other related administrative items necessary to ensure the timely delivery of the project. 5. Work with the project team and use the Owner's Project Management Solution, e-Builder to manage the construction processes for the project. All project communication is to be managed in e-Builder. At no cost to the district, the project team will be required to attend group or individual training sessions scheduled by the Owner's Project Representative. 6. The Owner has set an Owner Direct Purchase Goal of 20% for Renovation Projects and 30% for New Construction. The Construction Manager is to make every effort to meet or exceed the Owner's expectation for this goal. The Construction Manager must also work with its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, and material suppliers to ensure there is a streamlined process in place to maximize discounts offered for prompt payment of items purchased through the Owner Direct Purchase Program. 7. The Construction Manager, if requested by the Owner's Project Representative, shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the Owner's Project program and budget. 8. Provide continuous on-site construction management services through the completion of the project to include, but not be limited to: a. Schedule and conduct preconstruction meetings and regular job site meetings. b. Maintain daily on-site project logs and schedule reports. c. Oversee quality assurance testing and inspection programs. d. Monitor construction management staff and subcontractor work performance for deficiencies. e. Maintain record copy of all contract documents, RFIs, ASIs, change orders and other project-related documentation. f. Oversee construction management staff and subcontractor safety programs. 9. Develop, update, and maintain master project schedules, detailed construction schedules, submittal schedules, inspection schedules and occupancy schedules. 10. Provide construction program accounting and reporting to the Owner's Project Representative. 11. Report potential budget and schedule variances and prepare recovery plans. 12. Work with and coordinate activities with any third-party contracts or contractors that the Owner provides for the project. 13. Coordinate surveyors, special consultants, and testing lab services contracted by the Owner, as required. 14. Develop and administer a Warranty Implementation Plan. 15. Administer post construction closeout, start-up and transition to operation. 16. Schedule, coordinate and participate in a walk-through inspection of the Work one month prior to the expiration of the one-year correction period, and notify the Owner's Project Representative, the appropriate Architect, and any necessary subcontractors and suppliers of the date of, and request their participation in, the walk-through inspection. 17. Work with the architect of record and the Owner's Project Representative when submitting the various documents required for review, which includes but is not limited to Change Orders, Contingency Transfers, Buyout Transfers, Applications for Payment, and Certificates of Substantial Completion and Certificates of Final Inspection. 18. All meetings shall be documented in e-Builder using the appropriate Meeting Minutes Forms. The sign-in sheet, meeting minutes and any other documents distributed during the meetings must be attached to the appropriate Meeting Minutes Form, and then uploaded to e-Builder after each meeting. The Construction Manager is responsible for facilitating the OAC meetings, distributing an agenda for each meeting and managing a sign-in sheet. The Construction Manager is also responsible for making sure the meeting minutes are documented and uploaded to e-Builder using the appropriate Meeting Minutes Form. 19. Administer post construction closeout, start-up and transition to operation. 20. The Construction Manager shall cooperate at all times with the Owner's Project Representative and shall cooperate and coordinate with any audit agency or audit firm contracted by the Owner. Question End Date 8/23/2023 12:00 PM




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New Construction, Renovation

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3151 N Orange Blossom Trail, Kissimmee, FL

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